

name = Tubulinea
domain = Eukaryota
regnum = Amoebozoa
phylum = Tubulinea
phylum_authority = Smirnov "et al." 2005
subdivision_ranks = Classes and Families
subdivision = Tubulinida
Uncertain placement
The Tubulinea are a major class of Amoebozoa, including most of the larger and more familiar amoebae like "Amoeba", "Arcella", and "Difflugia". During locomotion most Tubulinea have a roughly cylindrical form or produce numerous cylindrical pseudopods. Each cylinder advances by a single central stream of cytoplasm, granular in appearance, and has no subpseudopodia. This distinguishes them from other amoeboid groups, although in some members this is not the normal type of locomotion.

This class was anticipated by some biologists like Jahn, who grouped all amoebae with granular pseudopodia together [] , but most split the lobose amoebae into testate Testacealobosia and naked Gymnamoebia. The latter are polyphyletic, but molecular trees by Bolivar "et al." [cite journal | author=Bolivar, I., Fahrni, J.F., Smirnov, A. & Pawlowski, J.
title = SSU rRNA-based Phylogenetic Position of the Genera "Amoeba" and "Chaos" (Lobosea, Gymnamoebia): The Origin of Gymnamoebae Revisited
journal = Molecular Biology and Evolution
year = 2001 | volume = 18 | pages = 2306–2314
] identified a core monophyletic subgroup. Subsequent studies showed the testate lobose amoebae belong to the same group, which was thus renamed Lobosea "sensu stricto" [cite journal | author=Cavalier-Smith, T., Chao, E-Y, Oates, B.
title = Molecular phylogeny of the Amoebozoa and evolutionary significance of the unikont "Phalansterium"
journal = European Journal of Protistology
year = 2004 | volume = 40 | pages = 21–48
doi = 10.1016/j.ejop.2003.10.001
] or Tubulinea. [cite journal | author=Smirnov, A.V., Nassonova, E.S., Berney, C., Fahrni, J., Bolivar, I. & Pawlowski, J.
title = Molecular phylogeny and classification of the lobose amoebae
journal = Protist
year = 2005 | volume = 156 | pages = 129–142
doi = 10.1016/j.protis.2005.06.002


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