- Legal status
law legal status refers to the concept of individuals having a particular place in society, relative to the law, as it determines the laws which affect them. Degrees of status, as well as therights andstatutes which apply, vary in accordance with several standard (as well as specialized designations).Various terms are used by different
jurisdiction s to refer to people and their status under the law. These may include terms such as:
*slave [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/30/opinion/30foner.html Foner, Eric. "Forgotten step towards freedom,"] "New York Times." December 30, 2007.]
*citizen orelector
* minor, "ie" a legal child
* enlistedsoldier ,serviceman orconscript
* convicted felon
*enemy combatant orprisoner of war Most such terms have technical (legal) meanings in their respective jurisdictions or under
international law . However, some such terms are politically controversial and their use may induce strong emotions, "eg":
*illegal immigrant ,refugee orexile
*political prisoner References
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