

Griffiths is a surname with Welsh origins, as in Gruffydd ap Llywelyn Fawr. People called Griffiths recorded here include:

* Bede Griffiths
* Cecil Griffiths
* Charles Griffiths, Australian politician
* Colin Griffiths
* Ciaran Griffiths
* David Griffiths, there are several people by this name.
* Eddie Griffiths, Australian fire fighter, World War I veteran and rugby league footballer
* Fred Griffiths, South African rugby league footballer
* H. W. Griffiths (Henry W. Griffiths Jr.), Idaho railroad photographer
* Howard Griffiths
* J. Gwyn Griffiths, poet, Egyptologist and Welsh nationalist political activist
* Louise Griffiths
* Mike Griffiths, Welsh international rugby player
* Niall Griffiths
* Peter Griffiths, English politician
* Phillip Griffiths, American mathematician
* Rachel Griffiths
* Richard Griffiths, British actor
* Robert Griffiths (physicist)
* Sandi Griffiths
* Selina Griffiths, British actress
* Terry Griffiths
* Tuffy Griffiths, boxer

ee also

* Griffith

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