

Boleslaus (also Boleslav, Boleslaw, Bolesław) may refer to:

In dukes of Bohemia:
* Boleslaus I of Bohemia (died 967 or 972), known as 'the Cruel', ruling from 929 (or 935) to 972 (or 967)
* Boleslaus II of Bohemia (c.920–999), known as 'the Pious', ruling from 927 to 999
* Boleslaus III of Bohemia (died 1037), known as 'the Red' or 'the Blind', ruling from 999 to 1002

In monarchs of Poland
* Boleslaw I of Poland (c.966–1025), known as 'the Brave' or 'the Valiant', Duke of Poland from 992 to 1025 (ending in 1025 as King of Poland)
* Bolesław II of Poland (1039–1081), known as 'the Generous' or 'the Cruel', Duke of Poland 1058 to 1076 and King of Poland 1076 to 1079
* Bolesław III Wrymouth (1085–1138), Duke of Poland from 1102 to 1138
* Bolesław IV the Curly (1120–1173), High Duke of Poland from 1146 to 1173
* Boleslaus of Greater Poland (c.1221–1279), known as 'the Pious', Duke of Greater Poland 1239–1247
* Bolesław V the Chaste (1226–1279), mid-13th Century ruler of Cracow, who rebuilt the city after its destruction in 1241
* Bolesław of Kujawy (1159–1195), Duke of Kuyavia from c. 1186 to 1195
* Boleslaus I of Masovia (1208–1248), Duke of Sandomierz, Sieradz (1233–1234), and Masovia (1229–1248)
* Boleslaus II of Masovia, Duke of Masovia (c.12501313)
* Boleslaus George of Masovia, Duke of Masovia, Halych, and Volodymyr (?–1340)
* Boleslaus III of Płock, Duke of Płock (c.13251351)
* Boleslaus IV of Warsaw, Duke of Warsaw (14211454)
* Boleslaus V of Warsaw, Duke of Warsaw, Zakroczym, Nur, Płock, and Wizna (14541488)
* Bolesław I of Cieszyn, Duke of Cieszyn
* Bolesław II of Cieszyn, Duke of Cieszyn

In cities:
*Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Czech Republic
*Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

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  • Boleslaus I — (also Boleslav I, Boleslaw I, Bolesław I) can refer to:* Boleslaus I of Poland (Boleslaw the Brave, Bolesław Chrobry) * Boleslaus I of Bohemia (Boleslav the Cruel) …   Wikipedia

  • BOLESLAUS V — BOLESLAUS V. cognomine Castus, matitus Cunegundes virginis, multa ambitione procerum, et incursionibus Tattarorum passus. Obiit A. C. 1279. regni 52. Eôdem fere tempore Bolessaus Pius, item Calvus, Poloni Principes, obierunt. Michov. l. 3. Cromer …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • BOLESLAUS VI — BOLESLAUS VI. fil. prioris, cognomine Mirabilis, cum Polonis bellum habuit, multaque illis intulit damna, tum etiam Georgio Bohemiae Regi adversus Vratissavienses adstitit. Vide Phil. Iac. Spenerum Sylloge Geneal. Histor. Idem nomen fuit filio… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • BOLESLAUS I — I. BOLESLAUS I. cognomine Crohius, Dux Poloniae, post Miessaum baptizatum; Regis titulum ab Ottone III. nactus, feliciter praefuit: Prussis et Russis tributum pendere coactis. Obiit A. C. 1025. Miecissaô filiô successore designatô. Cromer. Hist.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • BOLESLAUS II — I. BOLESLAUS II. cognomine Audax. Rex electus post Casimirum I. Patrem, A. C. 1058. bellô contra Bohemos et Russos felix, mox in otium et voluptates versus, misere periit. Cromer. Crantz. II. BOLESLAUS II. fil. prioris, Uladissaum genuit, a… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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  • BOLESLAUS —    the name of several dukes of Poland, of whom the most famous is Boleslaus I. the Great, who ruled from 992 to 1025 …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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