

Caps is the plural of the word "cap"; see cap (disambiguation).

Caps may also refer to:
* Caps (party), an 18th century Swedish political faction
* Capital letters, upper case letters
* Non-economic damages caps, a type of tort reform
* Washington Capitals, an NHL hockey team.
* Caps (drinking game), a drinking game using bottle caps

CAPS may stand for:
* CAPS (buffer), N-cyclohexyl-3-aminopropanesulfonic acid, a buffering agent in biochemistry
* Call (telecommunications), CAlls Per Second, a unit of traffic measurement in telecommunications
* Canadian Association of Professional Speakers
* Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome
* Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
* Central Auditory Processing Syndrome, now usually Auditory processing disorder (APD)
* Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy
* Cirrus Aircraft Parachute System
* Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence, genetic markers used to detect a polymorphic sequence
* Companion Animal Protection Society, a U.S. based animal protection organization
* Computer Animation Production System, film animation developed by Walt Disney and Pixar
* Composite Application Platform Suite, a Java framework created by Sun Microsystems

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  • Caps — bezeichnet ein Begriff aus dem Börsenjargon, siehe Zinscap und Zinsfloor ein gemeindefreies Gebiet im US Bundesstaat Texas, siehe Caps (Texas) die Washington Capitals, ein US amerikanisches Eishockeyfranchise CAPS steht für die Communauté… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • caps — abbrev. capitals * * * …   Universalium

  • Caps. — Caps. <verkürzt aus mlat. capsula, Verkleinerungsform von lat. capsa »Kapsel«> Abkürzung auf Rezepten für Kapsel …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • caps — abbrev. capitals …   English World dictionary

  • Caps — Pour les articles homonymes, voir CAPS. Le caps, ou jeu de la canette (par amuïssement de « capsule ») est un jeu à boire dont le but est de toucher, en lançant sa propre capsule de bouteille, celle de l adversaire. Le perdant est alors …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Caps — This long established surname is of early medieval English origin, and is either a metonymic occupational name for a maker of caps and hats, or a nickname for a wearer of some kind of noticeable headgear. The derivation is from the Middle English …   Surnames reference

  • CAPS — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.   Sigles d’une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres   Sigles de trois lettres > Sigles de quatre lettres …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CAPS F.C. — Football club infobox clubname = CAPS F.C. founded = ground = Gwanzura Stadium Harare, Zimbabwe manager = Luke Masomere league = Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League (ZPSL) season = 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • caps o — Mawdesley Glossary it caps all. It beats all. I …   English dialects glossary

  • caps. — abbr. capital letters. * * * 1. capital letters. 2. (in prescriptions) a capsule. [(def. 2) < L capsula] * * * caps., 1. capitalize 2. capital letters …   Useful english dictionary

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