- Photography triplet
A photography or paint triplet is set of three photos or paints usually related to one event or developing a theme or story. Many art
photographer s use triplets to describe more complicated story or to attract the viewer by showing related prints together. Someart critic s like triplets because the best photographers are able to describe as complicated story as in simple documentarymovie . Some triplets (called "clone triplets") are the same image repeated with slight alterations (for example toned to different colors, or mixed color andmonochromatic photos) or, more rarely, seemingly identical images with minor, detailed changes.Triplets are usually framed together or, in galleries, mounted near each other on the wall. Triplets are very often used on
postcard s.When four photos or paints are together, it is called
photography quadruplet . Multiple images chained together are calledphotography fold .Ordering and time line
Images are usually located from left to right with oldest (in terms of story) on left and newest on right side. For vertical triplet, older image is usually on the top and more recent on bottom. When photos are not related in time, then they are arranged to be most pleasant to viewer's eye (such as dark to bright) or using some logical arrangements.
ee also
Triptych three-panel artwork
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