Contra Celsus

Contra Celsus

Contra Celsus, or (in correct classical Latin) Contra Celsum, is the title of a major work by the Church Father Origen of Alexandria, refuting the anti-Christian writings of Celsus the Platonist. It was written in 248 CE. [cite encyclopedia
last = Herzog
first = Johann Jakob
coauthors = Philip Schaff, Albert Hauck
editor = Samual Macauley Jackson
encyclopedia = The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
title = Celsus
month = December
year = 1908
publisher = Funk and Wagnalls Company
volume = II
location = New York and London
pages = 466

"(It can be consulted and downloaded from the public domain [ Catholic Encyclopaedia website] for WikiSource)"

External links

* [ Origen's Text on Celsus]


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