- L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science
The L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science aims to improve the position of
women in science by recognizing outstanding women researchers who have contributed to scientific progress. The awards are a result of a partnership between the Frenchcosmetics companyL'Oréal and theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and carry a grant of $100,000USD for each laureate.Each year an international jury alternates between life and
material science s and selects a winner from each of the following regions:*
Africa and theMiddle East .
*Latin America and theCaribbean
*North America (since 2000)The same partnership awards the UNESCO-L'Oréal International Fellowships, providing up to $40,000
USD in funding over two years to fifteen young women scientists engaged in exemplary and promising research projects.Recipients
1998 Laureates:
*Grance Aladunni L. Taylor (Nigeria ):Biochemistry
*Myeong Hee-Yu (South Korea ):Microbiology
*Pascale Cossart (France ):Bacteriology
*Gloria Montenegro (Chile ):Botany 2000 Laureates:
*Valerie Mizrahi (South Africa ):Molecular biology
*Tuneko Okasaki (Japan ): Molecular biology
*Margarita Salas (Spain ): Molecular biology
*Eugenia María del Pino Veintimilla (Ecuador ): Molecular biology
*Joanne Chory (USA ): Molecular biology2001 Laureates:
*Adeyinka Gladys Falusi (Nigeria ):Molecular genetics
*Suzanne Cory (Australia ): Molecular genetics
*Anne McLaren (United Kingdom ):Reproductive biology
*Mayana Zatz (Brazil ): Molecular biology
* Joan Argetsinger Steitz (USA ): Molecularbiophysics andbiochemistry 2002 Laureates:
*Nagwa Meguid (Egypt ):Genetics applied to theprevention ofmental disease s
*Indira Nath (India ): The treatment ofleprosy
*Mary Osborn (Germany ): Methods for the observation of cell structures
*Ana María López Colomé (Mexico ): Prevention ofblindness .
*Shirley Tilghman (Canada ,USA ):Gene expression and parental origin ofchromosome s2003 Laureates :
*Karimat El-Sayed (Egypt ):Physics
*Fang-hua Li (China ):Electron microscopy
*Ayse Erzan (Turkey ):Condensed matter physics
*Mariana Weissmann (Argentina ): Computational condensed matter physics
*Johanna M.H. Levelt Sengers (USA ):Thermodynamics 2004 Laureates:
*Jennifer Thomson (South Africa ): "For work ontransgenic plant s resistant todrought and toviral infection s, in an effort to respond to the continent's chronicfood shortage."
*Lúcia Mendonça Previato (Brazil ): "For studies which enable progress in the understanding, treatment and prevention of theChagas disease ."
*Philippa Marrack (United States) "For the characterization oflymphocyte T functions in theimmune system and the discovery ofsuperantigens .
*Nancy Ip (China ): "For discoveries concerningprotein s which favour the growth and preservation ofneuron s inbrain development ."
*Christine Petit (France ): "For research on the molecular and cellular bases of humanhereditary deafness and other sensorial deficiencies."2005 Laureates:
*Zohra ben Lakhdar (Tunisia ): "For experiments and models ininfrared spectroscopy and its applications topollution , detection andmedicine ."
*Fumiko Yonezawa (Japan ): "Fir pioneering theory andcomputer simulation s onamorphous semiconductor s andliquid metal s."
*Dominique Langevin (France ): "For fundamental investigations ondetergent s,emulsion s andfoam s."
*Belita Koiller (Brazil ): "For innovative research onelectron s in disordered matter such asglass ."
*Myriam P. Sharachik (USA ): "For important experiments onelectrical conduction and transitions betweenmetal s and insulators."2006 Laureates:
*Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni (Tunisia ): "For her contribution to the analysis and prevention ofhereditary disorder s."
*Jennifer Graves (Australia ): "For studies on theevolution ofmammal iangenome s."
*Christine van Broeckhoven (Belgium ): "For the genetic investigation ofAlzheimer's disease and otherneurodegenerative disease s."
*Esther Orozco (Mexico ): "For the discovery of the mechanisms and control ofinfection s byamoeba s in thetropic s."
*Pamela Bjorkman (USA ): "For the discovery of how theimmune system recognizes targets."2007 Laureates:
*Ameenah Gurib-Fakim (Mauritius ): "For her exploration and analysis of plants from Mauritius and their bio-medical applications."
*Ligia Gargallo (Chile ): "For her contributions to understanding solution properties of polymers."
*Mildred Dresselhaus (USA ): "For her research on solid state materials, including conceptualizing the creation of carbon nanotubes."
*Margaret Brimble (New Zealand ): "For her contribution to the synthesis of complex natural products, especially shellfish toxins."
*Tatiana Birshtein (Russia ): "For her contribution to the understanding of the shapes, sizes and motions of large molecules."2008 Laureates: [citeweb|author=Unesco|title=Tenth anniversary of the L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards For Women in Science| url=http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=41944&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html|accessdate=2008-05-30|]
*Lihadh Al-Gazali (United Arab Emirates ): "For her contributions to the characterization of inherited disorders."
*V. Narry Kim (South Korea ): "For elucidating the formation of a new class ofRNA molecules involved in gene regulation"
*Ada Yonath (Israel ): "For her structural studies of theprotein biosynthesis system and its disruption byantibiotic s."
*Ana Belén Elgoyhen (Argentina ): "For her contributions to the understanding of the molecular basis ofhearing (sense) ."
*Elizabeth Blackburn (United States ): "For the discovery of the nature and maintenance ofchromosome ends and their roles incancer and aging."See also
Women in science
*List of prizes, medals, and awards for women in science
*UNESCO References
* Kevin Friedl, " [http://www.seedmagazine.com/news/2006/03/for_women_in_science.php?page=all&p=y For Women in Science] ", "Seed Magazine", March 8, 2006
* [http://portal.unesco.org/science/en/ev.php-URL_ID=3597&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html UNESCO: Women and Science]Notes
External links
* [http://www.forwomeninscience.com/ For Women in Science] . L'Oréal Official Page of the Awards.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.