Sternotherus carinatus

Sternotherus carinatus

name = Razorback Musk Turtle

regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
ordo = Testudines
subordo = Cryptodira
superfamilia = Kinosternoidea
familia = Kinosternidae
genus = "Sternotherus"
species = "S. carinatus"
binomial = "Sternotherus carinatus"
binomial_authority = Gary, 1855
synonyms = "Aromochelys carinata"
"Goniochelys triquetra"
"Cinosternum carinatum"
"Kinosternon carinatum"

The Razorback Musk Turtle ("Sternotherus carinatus") is a species of turtle native to the United States, in the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana.


The Razorback Musk Turtle grows to approximately 6 inches (15 cm) in length. They have a brown colored shell, with black markings at the edges of each bumscute. Their shell has a distinct, sharp keel down the center of its length, giving the species its common name. The body is typically grey-brown in color, with black spotting, as is the head, which tends to have a bulbous shape to it. They have a long neck, short legs, and a sharp beak. Males can usually be distinguished from females by their longer tail.


Musk turtles are almost entirely aquatic, spending most of their time in shallow, heavily vegetated, slow moving creeks, or ponds. The only time they typically venture onto land is when females lay their eggs. Their diet consists of primarily aquatic invertebrates, including freshwater clams, crayfish, snails, and various insects. They also feed on fish and carrion.

In captivity

The Razorback Musk Turtle is frequently found in captivity, and is regularly captive bred. Its relatively small size, and ease of care makes it a more attractive choice as a pet turtle for many keepers, than the more commonly available Red-eared Slider ("Trachemys scripta elegans").


* [ Austin's Turtle Pages: Razorback Musk]
* [ Turtles of the World: "Sternotherus carinatus"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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