

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
image_photo = SchlossAlzey.jpg
Wappen = Alzey.jpg‎
lat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 45 |lat_sec = 6
lon_deg = 8 |lon_min = 6 |lon_sec = 58
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Rhineland-Palatinate
Landkreis = Alzey-Worms
Höhe = 194
Fläche = 35.21
Einwohner = 18173
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 5521955232
Vorwahl = 06731
Gemeindeschlüssel = 07 3 31 003
Gliederung = 4
Adresse = Rathaus
55232 Alzey
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Christoph Burkhard

Alzey (IPA2|ˈaltsaɪ) is a town in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. It is the administrative seat of the district of Alzey-Worms, and the fourth-largest town in Rheinhessen, after Mainz, Worms, and Bingen. In 2008 Alzey is announced to be the capital of Rheinhessen, since it is located at the exact middle of the road "Weinstraße" and has the biggest wine producing areas.Its main industries include winemaking (state wine school), psychiatric care (state mental health clinic), and supermarket distribution (distribution centers for real and Plus supermarket chains). It is located at the intersection of motorways A61 and A63 and has rail connections to Mainz, Worms, Bingen and Kirchheimbolanden.


Alzey is located in the outer west of the northern Rhine rift. It is encircled by foothills of the Alzeyer Hügelland (Alzey Downs). The Selz, an affluent of the Rhine, flows through the city - partly subterraneously.


Neolithic to Middle Ages

Colonizational vestiges in the region of Alzey are traceable to the Stone Age. The name Alzey (Altiaia) was first documented in a Roman stone inscription from 223 - its meaning is still unexplained. Possibly it is referable to a former Celtic settlement dating back to 400 B.C..The Roman vicus was destroyed in 350. In 390 the Romans put up a new fort on the remains of the vicus, which fell to the Burgundian only ten years later. In 450 the fort was finally occupied by the Allemanni and Franks.

Famous residents

*Volker von Alzey, one of the Nibelung Heroes and a comrade of Siegfried the Dragon Slayer
*Felix Adler, son of Samuel Adler, founder of Ethical Culture movement, born in Alzey
*Samuel Adler, a noted rabbi in the United States, had been chief rabbi herecite book | title = Who Was Who in America, Historical Volume, 1607-1896 | publisher = Marquis Who's Who | date = 1967]
*August Belmont (1816-1890), the noted banker and United States ambassador whom the Belmont Stakes is named after, was born in Alzey
* Carl Wolfsohn, American pianist and teacher, was born here in 1834
*Elisabeth Langgässer, German writer of Jewish descent
*Karl-Heinz Kipp, German billionaire, ranked 132nd in Forbes List 2007.
*Famous Turkish singer Tarkan was born here


Alzey is twinned with:
* Harpenden, England, since 1963
* Josselin, France.
* Kamenz, Germany.
* Kościan, Poland.
* Lembeye, France.
* Rechnitz, Austria.



External links

* []

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