Kleindeutsche Lösung

Kleindeutsche Lösung

The "Kleindeutsche Lösung" ("Lesser German Solution") was a 19th century political idea postulating the idea of a unified Germany consisting of the members of the German Confederation, led by Hohenzollern Prussia, but excluding the Austrian Empire which was united with Hungary and not willing to separate. The inclusion of Hungary would have contradicted the idea of a national state. It stands in contrast to the idea of a "Großdeutsche Lösung" ("Greater German Solution") "(Großdeutschland" or "Greater Germany").

Early History

The German parliament which was elected after the early successes of the the revolution of 1848 was split between the two options, with the democratic left favouring a Republican "Großdeutschland", whereas the liberal centre favoured a "Kleindeutschland" with a constitutional monarchy. In the end, the "Kleindeutsche Lösung" prevailed, but the Prussian king rejected the crown offered to him.

After the Austro-Prussian Dualism had been forcefully decided in favor of Prussia by the Austro-Prussian War in 1866, "Kleindeutschland" was realized in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War. The "small solution" was also chosen partly in order to prevent the Austrians and fellow Catholics in the south and west from being a predominant force in a Prussian Germany, a view held by Otto von Bismarck.

After World War I

After World War I, the Habsburg Monarchy was broken up and the German-speaking territories, having lost their industrial and trading areas, decided to join the German Reich. The Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of Saint-Germain however specifically prohibited the union of Austria and Germany. Still, the Greater German sentiment remained strong and in 1938 Adolf Hitler annexed Austria into a new Grossdeutsches Reich. In contrast to earlier versions of the Greater German idea, Austria was split up into several districts.

After World War II

After the Second World War Austria was once again separated from Germany and managed to gain its independence as a neutral state despite the growing Cold War. Austria was also declared the "first victim of Nazi Germany" in the Moscow Declaration, despite its having been a part of Germany throughout the war and despite the involvement of many Austrians - including Hitler himself - with the regime. This need to distance oneself from Germany effectively ended "Greater German" sentiments in Austria.


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