

Baraka may refer to:

* baraka, also "berakhah", in Judaism, a blessing usually recited during a ceremony
* baraka, also "barakah", in Islam and Arab-influenced languages, meaning spiritual wisdom and blessing transmitted from God
**"Baraka", a rarely used French slang term for luck, derived from the Arabic word
**Baraka, aka "Nigella sativa", a spice with purported health benefits
*Baraka, the Serbian and Bulgarian word for "shack"
** "barakaši", a name the party founders of the Croatian Democratic Union gave to themselves
*Baraka, the Turkish word for "barracks"
* Baraka, means 'Blessing' in Kiswahili


*"Baraka" (film), a 1992 experimental documentary film directed by Ron Fricke
*"Baraka" (novel)" is a 1983 novel written by Canadian John Ralston Saul
*Baraka (Mortal Kombat), a fictional character
*"The Boys of Baraka", a 2005 documentary film
*"Baraka 5b", a novel by Croatian Miroslav Krleža
*"Baraka (song) Written and performed by Sound Tribe Sector 9
*"Baraka Foundation (band)
*"Baraka Records" [] , an Oxford-based trance party
* [ "BARAKA"] World Music band based in the UK
* [] Baraka Streeming Technologies.


*Baraka, DRC, a village in the eastern Congolese province of Sud-Kivu on Lake Tanganyika.
*Baraka, Gabon, a site where American missionaries from New England established a mission in 1842 on what is now Libreville
*Baraka, Philippines, a barangay in the Norzagaray municipality, in the province of Bulacan
*"Baraka", the local nickname for Barakaldo, Spain
*Baraka College, a college for sustainable agriculture and rural development in Kenya
*Baraka, Kenya, a town in Kenya.
*Baraka School, an educational program in Kenya, featured in the film "The Boys of Baraka"
*Har Braka, a Jewish Settlement in the West Bank (Samaria), Palestinian territories


*Amiri Baraka (1934 - ), a U.S. writer.
*Barakah Khan (1260 - 1280, son of Baibars and briefly a Mamluk Sultan of Egypt and Syria
*Baraka al-Yamaniyah, wife of `Abd al-`Azīz Āl Sa`ūd, first monarch of Saudi Arabia
*Baraka, the wife of the antediluvian patriarch Jared, according to the apocryphal book of Jubilees
*Mir Sayyid Baraka, a teacher to 14th century warlord Timur

See also

*Barack Obama (sometimes, Baraka Obama), a U.S. politician whose first name is derived from the Kiswahili word, "baraka" meaning blessed.

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