- Centrum im. Adama Smitha
Centrum im. Adama Smitha ( _pl. Adam Smith Centre) is a
think-tank based in Poland. It was founded in 1989 based on an earlier group of anti-communist opposition and named afterAdam Smith and similar eponymous institute based in the United Kingdom. Among its' members are roughly 50 economists, political scientists and sociologists. The organization also publishes the PolishTax Freedom Day analysis.Although
non-partisan , the Centre espousesfree market andclassical liberal views. Among its' members areRobert Gwiazdowski ,Cezary Józefiak ,Jan Winiecki ,Andrzej Sadowski ,Andrzej J. Piotrowski ,Przemysław Wipler ,Andrzej Szczęśniak ,Ireneusz Jabłoński andKrzysztof Dzierżawski .The centre was officially created on
September 16 ,1989 , soon after thePolish Round Table Agreement and the start of a peaceful transition to democracy in Poland. However, most of its' initial members came from the "Akcja Gospodarcza " society (est. 1988), a loose group of free market-oriented economists supporting the opposition to communist government of Poland.External links
* [http://www.smith.pl/ Home page]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.