List of think tanks

List of think tanks

This article is a list of think tanks by country.



*The Australia Institute (TAI)
*Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA)
*Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)
*The Brisbane Institute
*Committee for Economic Development of Australia
*Centre for Independent Studies
*Centre for Policy Development
*Institute of Public Affairs (Australia)
*Sydney Institute
*Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC)


*Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)
*Bangladesh Institute of Peace & Security Studies (BIPSS)


* Bruegel
*Centre for European Policy Studies
*European Centre on the International Political Economy
*European Policy Centre
*International Crisis Group
*Lisbon Council


*C.D. Howe Institute
*Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
*Centre for International Governance Innovation
*Centre for Research on Globalisation
*Conference Board of Canada
*Council of Canadians
*Fraser Institute
*Frontier Centre for Public Policy
*Institute for Research on Public Policy
*International Development Research Centre
*International Policy Forum
*Montreal Economic Institute
*Public Policy Forum
*The North-South Institute
*Wellesley Institute

Czech Republic

*Institute for Social and Economic Analyses


*Copenhagen Institute
*Mandag Morgen


*Åland Islands Peace Institute
*Research Institute of the Finnish Economy


*Institut Montaigne
*Institut Turgot
*Notre Europe
*Mont Pelerin Society


*Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik
*Club of Rome
*German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)
*Friedrich Naumann Foundation
*Friedrich Ebert Foundation
*Hanns Seidel Foundation
*Heinrich Böll Foundation
*Ifo Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
*Konrad Adenauer Foundation
*Walter Eucken Institut
*Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik


*International Centre for Economic and Social Research (ICESR)



Hong Kong

*Civic Exchange
*Hong Kong Policy Research Institute
*The Professional Commons


*Fejlődő Demokrácia és Nemzeti Biztonsági Intézet - Developing Democracy and National Security Institute
*Millennium Institute
*Political Capital
*Teleki László Intézet - Teleki László Institute


*Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) -
*Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)
*Indira Gandhi Institute for Development Research (IGIDR) -
*National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER) -
*Business Consulting Group, Major & Minor (BCG) -
*Centre for Civil Society (CCS)
*Observer Research Foundation
*Liberty Institute
*Centre for Asian Strategic Studies-India , CASSINDIA


*Institute of International and European Affairs, "formerly the Institute of European Affairs (IEA)"
*Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI) -
*National Economic & Social Council (NESC) -


*Ravand Institute
*Sepehr Educational Strategic Studies (MORSACO)


*Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
*Shalem Center
*Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies
*Gloria Center
*Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
*Reut Institute


*Adam Smith Society
*Centre for Social Studies and Policies (CENSIS)
*European University Institute
*Institute for International Affairs
*Venezie Institute


*Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
*Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE)
*Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
*National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA)

Korea Republic

*Samsung Economic Research Institute(SERI)
*Korea Development Institute (KDI)


*Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI)


*The Global Strategy Institute
*Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS)


* [ Fundación Ethos]
*Instituto Mexicano para la Competitividad (IMCO)
*Fundación Idea
*Transparencia Mexicana
*Mexicanos Primero
*Academia Mexicana de Derechos Humanos
*Centro de Estudios del Sector Privado para el Desarrollo Sustentable

The Netherlands

*Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
*Transnational Institute

New Zealand

*New Zealand Business Roundtable
*Centre for Strategic Studies New Zealand
*Ecologic Foundation
*Institute of Policy Studies
*Maxim Institute
*The New Zealand Institute


*Nigerian Economic Summit Group Ltd/Gte


*Applied Economics Research Center (AERC)
*Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)
*Pakistan Insitute of Development Economics (PIDE) -
*Social Policy and Development Center (SPDC) -
*Collective for Social Science Research (CSSR) -
*Alternative Solutions Institute (ASI)
*Institute for Development Studies and Practices (IDSP)
*Pakistan Institute of International Affairs (PIIA)
*Pakistan Institute of National Affairs (PINA)
*Sustainable Development Policy Institute
*Institute of Regional Studies(IRS)
*Institute of Strategic Studies (ISS)
*Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
*Strategic Institute for Maritime Affairs
*Pakistan Academy of Sciences


*Resources, Environment and Economics Center for Studies (REECS)


*CASE - Center for Social and Economical Research
*Centrum im. Adama Smitha
*Instytut Sobieskiego

Puerto Rico

*Enfasis Puerto Rico (research and program evaluation)


*Free Market Center


*Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
*Institute of Policy Studies
*Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies


* Centre for European Perspective
* Institute for Civilization and Culture
* Jože Pučnik Institute


*Centre d'estudis Jordi Pujol
*FRIDE (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior)
*CILAE (Centro de Investigación Latinoamérica Europa)
*Institución Futuro Think tank independiente


*Ratio Institute


*Avenir Suisse


*Taiwan Institute of Economic Research
*Taiwan Thinktank


*U.S.A.K. Uluslararasi Stratejik Arastirmalar Kurumu - International Strategic Research Organization
*Abant Platform

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

*Gulf Research Center

United Kingdom

*Adam Smith Institute
*Association for the Commonwealth Realms
*Bow Group
*Boyd Group
*Bruges Group
*Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion
*Centre for Defence and International Security Studies
*Centre for Economic Policy Research
*Centre for Enterprise
*Centre for European Reform
*Centre for Future Studies
*Centre for Local Economic Strategies
*Centre for Social Justice
*Centre for Policy Studies
*Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation
*Chatham House - The Royal Institute of International Affairs
*Commonwealth Policy Studies Institute
*Conflicts Forum
*The Constitution Unit
*Durham Institute of Advanced Study
*Fabian Society
*Federal Trust
*Foreign Policy Centre
*Foresight and Futurology Unit, a BT Group think tank
*Global Ideas Bank
*Globalisation Institute
*Gold Mercury International
*Green Alliance
*Green Economics Institute
*Hansard Society
*Henley Centre
*The Henry Jackson Society
*Imperial Economics
*Institute for Fiscal Studies
*Institute for Public Policy Research
*Institute for Social Inventions
*Institute of Economic Affairs
*Institute of Welsh Affairs
*International Institute for Strategic Studies
*Joseph Rowntree Foundation
*Jubilee Centre
*King's Fund
*Migration Watch UK
*National Centre for Social Research
*National Institute of Economic and Social Research
*NESTA Policy & Research Unit
*New Economics Foundation
*New Health Network
*New Local Government Network
*New Policy Institute
*New Politics Network
*Open Europe
*Overseas Development Institute
*Oxford Council on Good Governance
*Oxford Research Group
*Policy Exchange
*Policy Network
*Policy Studies Institute
*Progressive Vision
*Relationships Foundation
*Regulatory Policy Institute
*Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies
*Scottish Council Foundation
*Scottish Policy Innovation Forum (SPIF)
*Smith Institute
*Social Affairs Unit
*Social Market Foundation
*SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex
*The Do Tank
*Theos, a public theology think tank
*U K Defence Forum
*Young Fabians
*Young Foundation
*Work Foundation

United States

See also List of think tanks in the United States organized with liberal, conservative, libertarian and centrist categories.
*Acton Institute
*Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
*American Civil Rights Union
*American Consumer Institute
*American Enterprise Institute
*American Foreign Policy Council
*American Institute for Economic Research
*American Iranian Council
*Analysis Group
*Aspen Institute
*Atlantic Council of the United States
*Atlas Economic Research Foundation
*Ayn Rand Institute
*Battelle Memorial Institute
*Bradley Foundation
*Brookings Institution
*Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
*Cascade Policy Institute
*Cato Institute
*Center for American Progress
*Center for an Urban Future
*Center for Economic and Policy Research
*Center for Global Development
*Center for Governmental Studies
*Center for Immigration Studies
*Center for Media and Democracy
*Center for Public Integrity
*Center for Progressive Reform
*Center for Security Policy
*Center for Strategic and International Studies
*Center for the Advancement of Capitalism
*Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
*Center on International Cooperation
*Claremont Institute
*Committee for Economic Development
*Committee on the Present Danger
*Competitive Enterprise Institute
*Constitution Project
*Corporation for Enterprise Development
*Council of Twelve
*Council on Foreign Relations
*Discovery Institute
*Economic Opportunity Institute
*Economic Policy Institute
*Economic Research Institute
*Employment Policies Institute
*Foreign Policy Research Institute
*Foundation for Economic Education
*Foundation for Excellence in Education
*Foundation for Rational Economics and Education
*General Electric EdgeLab
*Global Development and Environment Institute
*Global Trade Watch
*Goldwater Institute
*Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy
*Heartland Institute
*Henry L. Stimson Center
*Heritage Foundation
*Hoover Institution
*Hudson Institute
*India, China & America Institute
*Independent Institute
*Information Policy Institute
*Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
*Institute for Analysis of Global Security
*Institute for Collaborative Engagement
*Institute for Policy Innovation
*Institute for Policy Studies
*Inter-American Economic Council
*ISA (International Strategic Analysis)
*James Madison Institute
*Jamestown Foundation
*John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy
*Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
*Justice Research Association
*Ludwig von Mises Institute
*Mackinac Center for Public Policy
*Manhattan Institute
*Mayfield 15 Policy Research Institute
*Mercatus Center at George Mason University
*Middle East Forum
*Milken Institute
*National Bureau of Asian Research
*National Center for Policy Analysis
*National Endowment for Democracy
*New America Foundation
*New Teacher Center
*Pacific Institute
*Pacific Research Institute
*Peterson Institute
*Phoenix Group
*Pioneer Institute
*Policy Matters Ohio
*Political and Economic Research Council (PERC)
*Progress and Freedom Foundation
*Progressive Policy Institute
*Project for the New American Century
*Public Citizen
*RAND Corporation
*Reason Foundation
*Rebirth of Freedom Foundation
*Reform Institute
*Research Triangle Institute
*Resources for the Future
*Ripon Society
*Rockridge Institute
*Roosevelt Institution
*Santa Fe Institute
*Show-Me Institute
*Stanley Foundation
*State Policy Network
*Streit Council for a Union of Democracies
*Tax Foundation
*Tellus Institute
*Urban Institute
*U.S. Institute of Peace
*W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
*Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
*Xerox PARC


*Dong A Center for Economic and Civil Information (Dong A CECI)
*Vietnam Institute of Economics

ee also

*Think tank
*List of think tanks in the United Kingdom
*Copenhagen Consensus

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