SEV or "Sev" could refer to:

* Comecon, which in Russian was called Сове́т Экономи́ческой Взаимопо́мощи or СЭВ
* SEV, a power company of the Faroe Islands
* Sev, an American band
* Sev, an Indian food item, one of the ingredients in Bhelpuri
* Sev Wide Web, an Australian cartoon site
* SEV, abbreviation for the Spanish Society of Vexillology (Sociedad Española de Vexilología)

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  • Sev — is a rock/rap band from the Northern Virginia area who appeared in a national advertising campaign for Pepsi Blue. Sev also appeared on the website come alive show Farmclub and the summer festival in the Washington D.C. area that typically sets… …   Wikipedia

  • SEV — steht für: Gewerkschaft des Verkehrspersonals SEV (früher: Schweizerischer Eisenbahn und Verkehrspersonal Verband) Schienenersatzverkehr Sekundärelektronenvervielfacher Software Entwicklung und Vertrieb Cooperation Stralsunder Energie Versorgung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SEV — 〈Abk. für〉 Schienenersatzverkehr * * * SEV,   Abkürzung für Sekundärelektronenvervielfacher, Elektronenvervielfacher …   Universal-Lexikon

  • SEV — DEFINICIJA krat. pov. savjet za uzajamnu ekonomsku pomoć istočnoeuropskih zemalja planske privrede osnovan u Moskvi 1949; raspušten krajem 1980 ih ETIMOLOGIJA krat., rus. Savjèt ekanamíčeskoj vzajmopómošči …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • sev|en-up — «SEHV uhn UHP», noun. a card game for two or more players, to each of whom six cards are dealt, in which there are four special chances of scoring a point, seven points constituting a game …   Useful english dictionary

  • sev|en — «SEHV uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. being one more than six. –n. 1. one more than six; 7: »Seven is the number of days in the week. 2. a playing card, throw of the dice, domino, billiard ball, or other part of a game with seven spots or a “7” on… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sev|er|al|ly — «SEHV uhr uh lee, SEHV ruh », adverb. 1. separately; singly; individually: »Consider these points, first severally and then collectively. He turned severally to each for their opinion (Oliver Goldsmith). 2. respectively. 3. Archaic. apart from… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sev|er|al — «SEHV uhr uhl, SEHV ruhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. being more than two or three but not many; some; a few: »to gain several pounds. Some of the men…remembered…to have seen several strangers on the road (Robert Louis Stevenson). 2. different;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sev|er — «SEHV uhr», transitive verb. 1. to cut apart; cut off: »The sailor severed the rope with a knife. The ax severed the branch from the trunk. 2. to break off: »The two countries severed friendly relations. –v.i. to part; divide; separate: »The… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sev|in — «SEHV ihn», noun. Trademark. carbaryl …   Useful english dictionary

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