Big Brother Brasil

Big Brother Brasil

"Big Brother Brasil" (or simply "BBB") is the Brazilian version of the reality show "Big Brother" and is broadcast over Rede Globo (TV Globo). It first aired on January 29, 2002, as "Big Brother Brasil 1". The show's host is journalist Pedro Bial.

It is currently in its eight installment (Big Brother Brasil 8). Rede Globo's website and a Globo-owned pay-per-view channel offer round-the-clock coverage.

The season 5 was the most popular season.


Competition and prizes

Much like other Big Brother TV shows, Big Brother Brasil features 14 (usually) housemates who are isolated from the rest of the world (primarily from mass media, such as newspapers, telephones, television and the internet) to live together in a "Big Brother" house while having all their steps followed by cameras around-the-clock. Their only regular contact with the outside world is the television's studio host, Pedro Bial, but celebrity guest stars have also been introduced into the house

Contestants are evicted out of the show weekly through popular audience vote, with the winner receiving a grand prize of R$ 1,000,000.Aside the main prize there are also prizes for second and third place .Other prizes are also awarded to housemates who complete certain tasks throughout the contest.

Weekly "Líder" and "Anjo"

By winning a weekly physical endurance task, one based on a specific skill, a general knowledge quiz, or even sometimes through a luck event, one of the contestants may be named the "Líder" ("Leader") for one week. The "Líder" cannot be nominated for elimination ("Paredão", "Brick wall") that week, and must pick another contestant to face the elimination match.

It is common that the "Líder" during the week of "Carnaval" is allowed to go to the Samba school parades (sometimes with another contestant of their choice).

In the 2003 season, a weekly "Anjo" (Angel) is introduced and determined. This housemate may choose any other housemate to protect from facing the "Paredão".

In the 2007 season, another selected house mate was given the "Poder de Veto" ("Power of veto") to nullify the "Anjo"'s saving power.

In the 2008 season, the "Anjo" was also given a "Monstro" ("Monster") side, where that housemate, besides protecting someone from elimination, must "punish" one or more contestants, obliging them to do an unpleasing task or forbidding them to go to the party.

Estaleca (currency)

Introduced at Big Brother Brasil 5, the Estaleca (Z$) is currency of the house. Each contestant has their own credit card with an amount of "Estalecas". Contestants may use their currency to purchase needs for the house, such as food, rent items for personal use, such as hairdryer, or even purchase an event outside of the house, such a helicopter ride.

The winners of the Estaleca's task win each week the right to do all the shopping. They can choose what the others housemates are going to eat in the following week.As in the real stock market, the Estalecas can suffer some speculative attacks and it can make the value of the groceries rise or lower.

The house

The Big Brother Brasil house is located inside Globo's production center in Rio de Janeiro, "Projac". The house is considered by most Big Brother Specialists as the biggest and most extravagant house of all Big BrothersFact|date=December 2007.

The external area of the house is approximately 700 square meters (m²) while the internal areas is about 200 m². The house has 4 bedrooms (3 for the normal contestants and one for the Leader), a living room, one bathroom, a big garden, one kitchen, a gym, a jacuzzi, a pool, and a special room called Confessionário (Confessionary).

Weekly broadcast

On Sunday nights, the weekly "Paredão" process is initiated. First the Anjo and Líder nominate their choices for their respective abilities. Then, each one of the remaining contestants go into the "Confessionário" (Confessionary), and vote on the contestant they wish to face an elimination match. The highest voted contestant is sent to the elimination match to face the person nominated by the Líder and an audience poll starts (either by phone, SMS or Internet) to pick which of the two contestants shall be eliminated.

On Tuesday the poll result is shown and the highest voted contestant is eliminated and removed from the house.


Big Brother 1

The first season started airing on January 29, 2002. It was hosted by Pedro Bial and Marisa Orth who later quit and did not host the second season. The show lasted 64 days and ended on April 2, 2002, and brought in record ratings.

Nominations Table

fnb|1 At the first round of Nominations there were two separate rounds of Nominations - one in which males Nominated the females, and one in which the females Nominated the males. On Day 8 there was a double eviction - with the female and male Evictees leaving the House. This Week's HOH Elane could only exercise her powers during the male Nominations round.

Big Brother 4

The fourth season of Big Brother ran from January 13 to April 6, 2004, and lasted for 85 days, the longest of the seasons. Ratings were a little higher in this season.

The participant Juliana Lopes starred in a Rede Record's prime-time soap opera in 2007 entitled "Vidas Opostas".

The participant Buba died in 2006 due to a stomach cancer.

Nominations Table

Big Brother 7

This season premiered on January 9, 2007, with some controversy. Before the beginning of the show, the announced contestant Yumi Ouchi was replaced by Flávia Viana, as Rede Globo claimed that Yumi had a contract with SBT, another Brazilian television channel, although she denied that.

Another replacement happened on the premiere of the season, when Fernando Orozco was eliminated for having a friend who works as a director in the channel, which is against the rules of the show, as anyone who has any type of relationship with a Globo's employee is not allowed to be contestant in the program. He was replaced by Felipe Cobra. This was the first Big Brother Brasil to allow other contestant of other Big Brother to stay in the house (he was Pablo Espósito "Pablito", from Gran Hermano Argentina 4).

Nomination Table

fnb|1 A competition was held to find out who would be up for eviction. The eviction will be between 2 pairings of Housemates. Housemates were randomly paired up into pairs. Diego and Liane won the competition and got to award immunity to one couple. This couple would then choose another couple to receive immunity, and so on, until only two pairs remain, who will then face the Public Vote. These couples were Airton & Juliana and Alan Pierre & Flávia
fnb|2 Each Week the Power of Immunity holder gets to award Immunity to one Housemate, but the Power of Veto winner also holds the Power to Veto, or nullify, this decision.
fnb|3 The Public were allowed to vote one of the original two back into the House. They chose Airton with 68% of the Vote, meaning that Juliana missed out on the chance. Airton was Immune this Week as he was only in the House ten minutes before Nominations began. Felipe won Power of Immunity and Bruno won Power of Veto. Felipe chose to award Immunity to Alberto, and Bruno did not Veto this decision.
fnb|4 Íris won the PoI and awarded Diego Immunity, however, this decision was Vetoed by PoV winner Analy, meaning no-one (other than HOH by default) was Immune this Week.

Big Brother 8

This season premiered on January 8, 2008 and ran for 78 days.

Nominations Table

fnb|1 Bianca and Natália won a competition and the Public voted for one of them to receive immunity. The winner was Bianca with 50.68% of the Vote.
fnb|2 The Evicted Housemate Rafael had the power to choose a Nominee, and chose Gyselle, who automatically faced the Public Vote.
fnb|3 Bianca answered the Hot Phone and automatically faced the Public Vote.
fnb|4 Marcelo answered the Hot Phone and was put up for nomination. He had to choose 2 other Housemates who would be up for nomination on Sunday. He chose Gyselle & Juliana. The 3 Housemates who were put up for nomination on Friday - Marcelo, Gyselle & Juliana - had to decide between themselves which would be up for eviction. They chose Marcelo, who would face the Vote along with the two other Housemates decided via. the normal Nomination process.
fnb|5 Felipe answered the Hot Phone and he had to choose 2 Housemates who would be up for nomination on Sunday. He chose Gyselle & Thatiana. Marcelo, the Head of House, had to choose one of the Housemates who were put up for nomination by Felipe on Friday to be up for eviction. He chose Thatiana, who was later joined by Fernando and Natália.
fnb|6 Thatiana came last in the Head of Household competition and is automatically up for eviction. Thatiana answered the Hot Phone and obtained the Power of Veto, she can use it to save the person nominated by the HoH if she wishes, she also won the PoI and used it to save Juliana. HoH Marcelo automatically nominated Felipe. Thatiana used her Veto and saved him. Marcelo nominated Natália in his place. Natália & Thatiana were joined in the Nomination line-up by Felipe, who had the most Nomiantions from his fellow Housemates.
fnb|7 Marcos answered the Hot Phone and had to choose a Housemate to be automatically up for eviction. He chose to nominate Marcelo. Juliana won PoI and gave Immunity to Thatiana.


Usually Big Brother contestants are already forgotten by the time of the next season, most of the women (and some of the men, as well) posing naked to get some extra cash, but there are a few exceptions of contestants who became national stars. Sabrina Sato and Grazielli Massafera are probably the biggest celebrities coming out of the reality show.

Sabrina Sato became a personality on the country after appearing on the 3rd edition of the show. She posed naked twice for Playboy magazine and is one of the hosts of Panico, a very popular TV show among teenagers and Rede TV's most-watched show. She has one of Rede TV's biggest contracts and is also the spokesperson for several companies.

After her participation on the 5th edition, where she was billed as extremely charismatic and nice, Grazielli Massafera also became a huge celebrity appearing in over 130 magazine covers, starring in over 13 commercials and winning an important role on Rede Globo's popular soap opera "Páginas da Vida" ("Pages of the Life"), where she received good critics. Grazi is now a respected actress, one of the most popular celebrities in the country and is dating Cauã Raymond, one of Brazil's most popular and eligible young actors.

Iris Stefanelli and Diego "Alemão" from BBB 7 attracted huge attention during their time in the house and achieved extreme popularity, thanks to their charisma. Because of the media frenzy they caused, it was expected they, particularly Iris, would follow BBB5 housemate Grazi footsteps, by becoming celebrities.

Iris received a big paycheck to pose naked for Playboy. Globo decided not to take into consideration "Siri" (as she was nicknamed in the house) huge popularity and decided not to give her a long-term contract, which, according to her, was a move instigated by Grazi's management team. Instead, she was contracted by RedeTV! to co-host popular gossip show TV Fama. Her lucrative deal was highlighted by the media. Iris is still a host on the show but after the huge buzz that ensued her participation on the house, when many people billed her as "the next Grazi", she was mostly forgotten by the media.

Diego "Alemão" was the winner of BBB7 and even before he was announced the winner, he appeared on over 20 magazine covers. Following his stint on the house, Globo was fast to sign a long-term deal with him, expecting him to be "the next big thing". After appearing on Patinando com os Famosos (Skating with the Stars), a popular segment in variety show Domingão do Faustão, having role on the comical show Zorra Total and having his own segment on popular magazine TV show Fantástico, Globo's director decided he wasn't good enough to be a TV personality. He is still locked under contract, but doesn't have any project right now.


A mobile version of Big Brother was released in 2005, called My Big Brother, and reproduced the entire show, in real-time, inside mobile phones.Big Brother Brasil is also on software and is manufactured by Continuum and Brasoft Studios ( [] )

Criticisms and controversy

Big Brother 3 began on January 14, 2003, and caused controversy. Among the participants was Miss Brazil 2002, Joseane. Rules of the Miss Brazil contest forbid participation of married women, and when Joseane participated, she stated she was single. With her exposure in BBB, some magazines discovered she was married even before winning the beauty contest. Once the marriage was proven, Joseane was stripped of her crown, and Thaisa Tomsem was crowned Miss Brazil 2002. Also, participant Dilson, not knowing Joseane was married, tried to start a romantic relationship with her during the show. Due to her refusals, he felt unmotivated and left the show voluntarily. Participant Harry replaced him at February 26, and became the first participant not to enter the show on its first day.

During Big Brother 8, the contestant Juliana fainted during a Resistance Test where the contestants were to remain perfectly still inside inside a glass chamber. Newspapers and websites proclaimed Big Brother to be inhumane. However, the show was unaffected by the negative press.

External links

* [ Big Brother Brasil 8]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 7]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 6]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 5]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 4]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 3]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 2]
* [ Big Brother Brasil 1]

* [ Terra: BBB8]
* [ Terra: BBB7]
* [ Terra: BBB6]
* [ Terra: BBB5]
* [ Terra: BBB4]
* [ Terra: BBB3]
* [ Terra: BBB2]
* [ Terra: BBB1]

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