cp=3rd century
c=4th century
cf=5th century



By Place

Roman Empire

* January/FebruaryEmperor Theodosius I is baptized.
* February 27Theodosius I, with co-emperors Gratianus and Valentinian II, declare their wish that all their peoples convert to trinitarian Christianity, in accordance with the patriarchs of Rome and Alexandria, implicitly rejecting the Arianism of the patriarch of Constantinople as heretical.
* November 24Theodosius I makes his "adventus", or formal entry, into Constantinople.
* Bedouin Queen Mavia's Saracen troops defeat a Roman army.
* Invasion of the Vandals: Gratian is forced to cede Upper Pannonia to them.


* The Rock of Cashel is built in Ireland. Fact|date=February 2007
* Athanaric becomes king of the Thervingi upon Fritigern's death.Fact|date=March 2007


* The annexation of western provinces by Gupta give him control over commerce with Europe and Egypt.

The Pacific

* Approximate (C14) date of the first signs of a human presence on Easter Island.

By Topic

Arts and Sciences

* Important works on mathematics and astronomy are written in Sanskrit.


* The Vulgate, a translation in Latin of the Bible by St. Jerome, is published.
* St. Gregory Nazianzus orders the burning of all known copies of Sappho's poetry.
* Tyconius writes a commentary on the Bible's Book of Revelation.
* A cathedral is built in Trier, Germany.
* The Council of Saragossa is held.
* Saint Ambrose introduces popular music into church services.


* St. Alexios (in Rome)
* Eutyches, opponent of the Nestorian Assyrians
* Hephaistio of Thebes, Egyptian astrologer
* Kalidasa, the author of "Shakuntala" ,"Meghaduta"(The Cloud Messenger) (approximate date)
* St. Peter Chrysologus (at Imola in Emilia)
* Socrates Scholasticus, church historian


* February 15Peter II, Patriarch of Alexandria
* Fritigern, King of the Visigoths
* Frumentius, Syrian Christian trader
* Samudragupta, ruler of the Gupta Empire
* Empress Wang Fahui

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