Proletarian Unity Party

Proletarian Unity Party

party_name = Proletarian Unity Party
party_name_italian = Partito di Unità Proletaria
party_status = Former Italian National Party
newspaper = N/A
ideology = Communism, Socialism
website = N/A
colorcode = red
The Proletarian Unity Party ("Partito di Unità Proletaria", PdUP) was a political party in Italy.


The PdUP was founded in the November 1972 by the minorities of two parties, the socialist-oriented Italian Socialist Party of Proletarian Unity (PSIUP), led by Vittorio Foa and Silvano Miniati, and the Left-wing-Catholic Political Movement of Labourers (MPL), led by Giovanni Russo Spena and Domenico Jervolino, who had opposed the merge into the Italian Socialist Party (PSI).

In 1974 these members were joined by the group of "Il Manifesto" and by the Autonomist Student Movemenet led by Mario Capanna, forming the Partito di Unità Popolare per il Comunismo. The founding congress was held on January 29, 1976. Main leaders of the various currents were Miniati, Foa, Capanna (far left-oriented), Rossana Rossanda and Lucio Magri - leaning for collaboration with the Italian Communist Party (PCI) and Italian General Confederation of Labour) - and Luigi Pintor. Magri was elected as the group's first national secretary.

During the 1976 general elections, PdUP ran together with Proletarian Democracy, gaining 3 seats in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (Magri, Eliseo Milani and Luciana Castellina) elected out of the coalition's 9.

plinter group

In January of 1977, the "Manifesto" and former-PSIUP affiliates left the party due to the failure in creating an all-left government. On February 20, 1977 the left-wing minority tendency broke away to join Proletarian Democracy in its founding process as organized party.

The Magri's majority absorbed for a while the Avanguardia Operaia movement, which, however, separated in the Congress held at Viareggio the following year. During its third congress (Rome, 1981), the party was joined by the Movimento Lavoratori per il Socialismo, led by Luca Cafiero.

Absorption into the PCI and later events

After the elections of 1983 PdUP associated its lists to PCI, to which it had become closer after the PCI secretary Enrico Berlinguer had abandoned of the "Historic Compromise" (a project for a PCI-Christian Democracy alliance).

On November 25, 1984 the Proletarian Unity Party merged into PCI. When, in 1991, Achille Occhetto started the process of transformation of PCI into the Social-Democratic oriented Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), some ex-PdUP members declared their opposition to the move, and subsequently adhered to Communist Refoundation Party. After the latter abandoned support to the Italian Centre-left Lamberto Dini government in 1995, much of the ex-PdUP members left the party to create the Movement of United Communists, which later was absorbed into PDS' heir, the Democrats of the Left.

Notable member

*Vittorio Agnoletto
*Luca Cafiero
*Mario Capanna
*Massimo Caprara
*Luciana Castellina
*Mario Catalano
*Famiano Crucianelli
*Ivano Di Cerbo
*Davide Ferrari
*Vittorio Foa
*Paolo Gentiloni
*Alfonso Gianni
*Franco Grillini
*Lucio Magri
*Ramon Mantovani
*Lidia Menapace
*Eliseo Milani
*Silvano Miniati
*Roberto Musacchio
*Aldo Natoli
*Valentino Parlato
*Luciano Pettinari
*Luigi Pintor
*Rossana Rossanda
*Giovanni Russo Spena
*Massimo Serafini
*Vincenzo Vita

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