Paul Stein (entomologist)

Paul Stein (entomologist)

Paul Stein ( 1852, -1921 ) was a German museum curator and entomologist . He specialised in Diptera especially the family Anthomyiidae. In this group he studied the world fauna describing many new genera and species.

Stein worked with Theodor Becker, Mario Bezzi and Kálmán Kertész on "Katalog der Paläarktischen dipteren" (1903 onwards) published in Budapest from 1903.His collection is in the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin.


(partial list)

*"Die Anthomyidengruppe Homalomyia nebst ihren Gattungen und Arten" 141 p (1895)
*"Nordamerikanische Anthomyiden" 128 p Berlin (1897).
* "Die afrikanischen Anthomyiden des Königl.Zool.Mus.zu Berlin" 48 p,( 1906).
*"Voyage Alluaud en Afrique Orientale. Anthomyidae" 41 p - 14 figs (1914)


*Musgrave, A., "Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775-1930" Sydney, 1932.

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