Holding the Man

Holding the Man

"Holding the Man" (ISBN 0-14-025784-5) is the best-selling memoir by the Australian writer, actor, and activist Timothy Conigrave. It was adapted for the stage by Tommy Murphy in 2006, and has become one of the most successful Australian stage productions in recent years.

"Holding the Man" was published in February 1995 by Penguin Books in Australia just a few months after Conigrave's death, and has since been published in Spain and North America. "Holding the Man" won the United Nations Human Rights Award for Non-Fiction in 1995 and was listed as one of the "100 Favourite Australian Books" by the Australian Society of Authors for its 40th anniversary in 2003.

"Holding the Man" tells the story of Tim's life, and centrally of his relationship with his lover of fifteen years, John Caleo. They met in the mid-1970s at Xavier College, a prestigious all-boys Jesuit Catholic school in Melbourne.

The term "holding the man" comes from Australian rules football - it is a transgression that incurs a penalty. Caleo was a star footballer at high school - captain of the football team - winning the Public Schools Best and Fairest trophy in 1976. He was also an avid supporter of the Essendon Football Club, one of the reasons Conigrave appropriated the term as the book's title.

panish and North American editions

The book was published in Spanish in 2002 under the title "Amando En Tiempos De Silencio" (Loving in the Days of Silence). (ISBN 84-95346-24-9).

The United States and Canadian edition of "Holding the Man" (with an afterword by Tommy Murphy) was released in September 2007 by Cuttyhunk Books, Boston, Massachusetts. Distribution to bookstores and online retailers is through Bookazine, Ingram, and Baker & Taylor. (EAN/ISBN-13: 978-0-97882595-9).

tage version

The stage version was published by Currency Press in November 2006 in a double volume with another play by Murphy, "Strangers in Between". Murphy's adaption was directed by David Berthold and premiered in a critically acclaimed, sold-out 3 November - 23 December 2006 season at Sydney's Griffin Theatre Company, Australia's leading new writing theatre. It was the theatre company's highest-grossing production in its 30-year history.

The play then played a return season at Griffin, 7 February - 3 March 2007, which also sold out. It transferred to the Sydney Opera House for a third sell-out season, 9-26 May, 2007. Company B at the Belvoir St Theatre hosted a fourth Sydney season 22 September - 4 November 2007. A fifth sell-out season of the Griffin production played 5-9 March 2008 at the Brisbane Powerhouse. A sixth season played at Melbourne Theatre Company as part of its 2008 subscription season, 14 March - 26 April, 2008.

The North American premiere of "Holding the Man" was staged by San Francisco's New Conservatory Theater Center, September 21 - November 4, 2007.

A New Zealand production is scheduled for 2008.

Original Australian Creative Team

Director: David Berthold
Designer: Brian Thomson
Costume Designer: Micka Agosta
Lighting Designer: Stephen Hawker
Composer & Sound Designer: Basil Hogios
Associate Sound Designer: Stephen Toulmin
Assistant Director: Nic Dorward

Timothy Conigrave: Guy Edmonds
John Caleo: Matt Zeremes
Mary-Gert Conigrave and Various: Jeanette Cronin
Dick Conigrave and Various: Nicholas Eadie
Phoebe and Various: Robin McLeavy
Peter Craig and Various: Brett Stiller

Awards for Stage Version

* Winner, $15,000 2007 New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards, Best Play
* Winner, 2007 Australian Writers' Guild Award (AWGIE), Best Play
* Winner, 2007 Aussietheatre.com Online Awards for Best Play
* Nomination, 2007 Helpmann Award for Best Play
* Nomination, 2007 Sydney Theatre Awards, Best New Australian Work
* Nomination, 2007 Queensland Premier's Literary Awards, Best Play

Judges' Citation, NSW Premier's Literary Award for Best Play

There have been many plays about life and love in the time of AIDS, some of them Australian, but this play is, however, in a real way, unique.

Adapted from Tim Conigrave's award-winning and much-loved memoir of the same name, Holding the Man tells the unusual and remarkable love story of Tim and John Caleo, who despite parental opposition, fell in love at Melbourne's Xavier College as 16-year-olds and remained together, in and out of love, until John died of AIDS. When they meet, Tim is an aspiring young actor and John is a promising footballer. For those who do not follow AFL it should be noted that the title is a football term.

Faithful to the book, the play covers some twenty years, and undertakes this demanding task gracefully. A love affair that spans such a long time is notoriously hard to dramatize yet Murphy does this with skill (he has an easy command of both the theatrical and of the dramatic), with wit, and with sensitivity. The personal and the political deftly intersect here, as the story is, in many ways, also a history of the gay pride movement in Australia . The play is by turns hilariously funny, tender and moving. It cleverly avoids the traps of sentimentality and self-pity as it journeys toward its inevitable and tragic conclusion.


In 1976, Timothy Conigrave fell in love with the captain of the football team, John Caleo. So began a relationship that was to last for 15 years, a love affair that weathered disapproval, separation and, ultimately death. With honesty and insight, 'Holding the Man' explores the highs and lows of their life partnership: the intimacy, constraints, temptations, and the strength of heart both men had to find when they tested positive to HIV.

The story opens at Kostka, Xavier's junior [preparatory] school in Melbourne. Here, the author begins to sexually experiment with other boys, and comes to the realisation that he is gay. Several years later, on his first day at Xavier College (the Jesuit senior school), Conigrave sees John Caleo for the first time.

On the far side of the crush I noticed a boy. I saw the body of a man with an open, gentle face: such softness within that masculinity. He was beautiful, calm. I was transfixed. He wasn't talking, just listening to his friends with his hands in his pockets, smiling. What was it about his face? He became aware that I was looking at him and greeted me with a lift of his eyebrows. I returned the gesture and then looked away, pretending something had caught my attention. But I kept sneaking looks. It's his eyelashes. They're unbelievable. [31]

The two form a friendship, and at the suggestion of Pepe, one of Tim's female friends, John is invited to a dinner party at Tim's house. The girls know Tim is in love with John, and 'pass a kiss' around the table for his benefit.

Juliet kissed Pepe. Their kiss lingered. Pepe came up for air. 'Tim'. As I kissed her she opened her mouth. Her tongue was exploring mine. I felt trapped. I was afraid to stop kissing her because I knew what was coming. I don't want John to think I'm enjoying this. Before I knew it my hand was on his knee, as if to let him know it was him I wanted. His hand settled on mine as Pepe continued kissing me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a virgin being led to the volcano to be sacrificed. I turned to face him. He shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Everything went slow motion as I pressed my mouth against his. His gentle warm lips filled my head. My body dissolved and I was only lips pressed against the flesh of his. I would have stayed there for the rest of my life, but I was suddenly worried about freaking him out and I pulled away. I caught sight of his face - fresh, with chocolate-brown eyes, and a small, almost undetectable smile. [74]

A few weeks later, Tim rings John at home, and asks "John Caleo, will you go round with me?" The reply is an unambiguous "Yep".

The two graduate from High School in 1977, Tim attending Monash University and John studying to be a chiropractor at College. Despite parental opposition, Conigrave's eventual move to Sydney and NIDA, and youthful experimentation and infidelities, the relationship continues.

Tragically, when Tim and John finally move in together in Sydney and are genuinely happy, they are diagnosed with HIV. The year is 1985.

Until 1990, the men have relatively mild symptoms. Sadly, in the Autumn of 1991, John begins to rapidly deteriorate, suffering from lymphoma. Tim cares for his partner, whilst nursing symptoms of his own. The misery of HIV/AIDS is laid bare before the reader, with Conigrave sparing nothing in detailing the cruel progression of the disease. He watches as his lover's once-strong body is ravaged. The reader helplessly looks on as the story moves to its devastating conclusion.

At Christmas, in 1991, John is admitted to the Fairfield Hospital in Melbourne. A month later, on Australia Day 1992, he dies of an AIDS-related illness, with his lover by his side, gently stroking his hair. Nearly three years later, shortly after finishing 'Holding the Man', Tim Conigrave passes away in Sydney.

The final passages of the book are some of its most poignant;

I guess the hardest thing is having so much love for you and it somehow not being returned. I develop crushes all the time, but that is just misdirected need for you. You are a hole in my life, a black hole. Anything I place there cannot be returned. I miss you terribly. "Ci vedremo lassu, angelo". [286] .

External links

Articles and Interviews

* [http://www.dnamagazine.com.au/articles/news.asp?news_id=4415 "The Long Embrace" - Interview with actors Guy Edmonds and Matt Zeremes]
* [http://sxnews.e-p.net.au/arts/holding-the-guy-2038-2.html "Holding the Guy" - Interview with actor Guy Edmonds]
* [http://www.smh.com.au/news/arts-reviews/holding-the-man/2007/09/17/1189881410270.html# Sydney Morning Herald article on fourth Sydney season]
* [http://www.artshub.com.au/au/?vmStr=BA7D028EFEAFC163F5DE9E68A788E8EACE7E92A79D78EA6C Arts Hub feature essay by director David Berthold: "From Book, to Play, and Beyond"]
* [http://www.stagenoise.com/video/video.php?id=19 Video interview with playwright Tommy Murphy]
* [http://www.samesame.com.au/features/1061/You_Cant_Keep_A_Good_Man_Down "You Can't Keep a Good Man Down" - Interview with director David Berthold]
* [http://www.ssonet.com.au/display.asp?ArticleID=5963 "Holding the Man Breaks Record" - article on success of first production]
* [http://www.ssonet.com.au/archives/display.asp?articleID=6430 "Unconditional Love" - Holding the Man article]
* [http://www.samesame.com.au/features/60/Tommy-Murphy-Holding-His-Breath.htm "Holding his Breath" - interview with Tommy Murphy]
* [http://mcv.e-p.net.au/featured-stories/enduring-love-2766.html "Enduring Love" - interview with Guy Edmonds and Matt Zeremes for 2008 Melbourne season]
* [http://ten.com.au/ten/tv_videos.html?channel=9AM+WITH+DAVID+AND+KIM&clipId=1427_9am_499lg4_200308 TV interview with writer Tommy Murphy and lead actor Guy Edmonds for 2008 Melbourne season]
* [http://youtube.com/watch?v=h701rEc539A Bent TV interview with Guy Edmonds and Matt Zeremes including footage from stage production]

Reviews of original stage production

* [http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117932196.html?categoryid=33&cs=1 "Variety"]
* [http://www.smh.com.au/news/arts-reviews/holding-the-man/2006/10/26/1161749228028.html "Sydney Morning Herald"]
* [http://www.ssonet.com.au/display.asp?ArticleID=5968 " Sydney Star Observer"]
* [http://www.stagenoise.com.au/reviewsdisplay.php?id=33 Stagenoise]
* [http://www.sydneystage.com.au/content/view/353/ Australian Stage Online]
* [http://www.theprogram.net.au/reviewsSub.asp?id=4304 The Program]
* [http://www.aussietheatre.com/revholding.htm aussietheatre.com]
* [http://www.theblurb.com.au/Issue83/HoldingMan.htm The Blurb]
* [http://www.abc.net.au/brisbane/stories/s2182078.htm?brisbane ABC Radio - 2008 Brisbane season]
* [http://www.thedaily.com.au/news/2008/mar/08/holding-man/ Sunshine Coast Daily - 2008 Brisbane season]
* [http://reviews.media-culture.org.au/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2465 M/C Reviews - 2008 Brisbane season]
* [http://richard_watts.blogspot.com/search/label/holding%20the%20man Man About Town (Richard Watts) - review of 2008 Melbourne season]
* [http://www.australianstage.com.au/reviews/melbourne/holding-the-man--mtc-1338.html Australian Stage Online - review of 2008 Melbourne season]
* [http://onstagemelbourne.blogspot.com/2008/03/chi-pi-debbio-mai-lintensa-voglia.html On Stage and Walls Melbourne - review of 2008 Melbourne season]

Production Information

* [http://www.mtc.com.au/whatson.aspx?eventID=108 Melbourne Theatre Company website with information on Melbourne March-April 2008 season]
* [http://www.brisbanepowerhouse.org/events/view/holding-the-man/ Brisbane Powerhouse website with information on Brisbane March 2008 season]
* [http://www.griffintheatre.com.au/production.cfm?productionID=47 Griffin Theatre Company website, with reviews]
* [http://www.belvoir.com.au/310_whatson_upstairs.php?production_id=187 Company B at Belvoir St website, with information]
* [http://www.nctcsf.org/press_room/press_room_holding.htm San Francisco production website]

Publication Information

* [http://www.penguin.com.au/lookinside/spotlight.cfm?SBN=9780140257847 Penguin website with book details]
* [http://www.currency.com.au/product_detail.aspx?productid=1486&ReturnUrl=/search.aspx?type=author&author=Tommy+Murphy Currency Press, published stage version of "Holding the Man"]
* [http://www.holdingtheman.net Cuttyhunk Books (North American book publisher) website]
* [http://www.amazon.com/Holding-Man-Timothy-Conigrave/dp/0978825950 Amazon, with reader reviews]
* [http://www.baywindows.com/index.php?ch=arts&sc=books&sc2=features&sc3=&id=54927 Article about US publisher of HTM]

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