- Weyl algebra
abstract algebra , the Weyl algebra is the ring ofdifferential operator s withpolynomial coefficients (in one variable),:f_n(X) partial_X^n + cdots + f_1(X) partial_X + f_0(X).
More precisely, let "F" be a field, and let "F" ["X"] be the ring of polynomials in one variable, "X", with coefficients in "F". Then each "fi" lies in "F" ["X"] . "∂X" is the
derivative with respect to "X". The algebra is generated by "X" and "∂X".The Weyl algebra is an example of a
simple ring that is not amatrix ring over adivision ring . It is also a noncommutative example of a domain, and an example of anOre extension .The Weyl algebra is a quotient of the
free algebra on two generators, "X" and "Y", by theideal generated by the single relation:"YX" − "XY" − 1.
The Weyl algebra is the first in an infinite family of algebras, also known as Weyl algebras. The "n"-th Weyl algebra, "An", is the ring of differential operators with polynomial coefficients in "n" variables. It is generated by "Xi" and part_{X_i}.
Weyl algebras are named after
Hermann Weyl , who introduced them to study the Heisenberguncertainty principle inquantum mechanics . It is a quotient of theuniversal enveloping algebra of theLie algebra of theHeisenberg group , by setting the element "1" ofthe Lie algebra equal to the unit "1" of the universal enveloping algebra.One may give an abstract construction of the algebras "An" in terms of generators and relations.We do so in a more sophisticated way: Start with anabstract
vector space "V" (of dimension "2n") equipped with asymplectic form omega.Define the Weyl algebra "W(V)" to be:W(V) := T(V) / (!( v otimes w - w otimes v - omega(v,w), ext{ for } v,w in V )!),
where the notation means "the
ideal generated by". In other words, W(V) is the algebra generated by "V" subjectonly to the relation vw - wv = omega(v,w). Then, "W(V)" is isomorphic to A_{n}, (it does not depend on the choiceof omega). In this form, one sees that "W(V)"is a quantization of thesymmetric algebra "Sym(V)". If "V" is over a field of characteristic zero, then "W(V)" is naturally isomorphic to thesymmetric algebra "Sym(V)" equipped with the deformedMoyal product (considering the symmetricalgebra to be polynomial functions on V^*, where the variables span the vector space "V", and replacing i hbar inthe Moyal product formula with "1"). The isomorphism is given bythe symmetrization map from "Sym(V)" to "W(V)":a_1 cdots a_n mapsto frac{1}{n!} sum_{sigma in S_n} a_{sigma(1)} otimes cdots otimes a_{sigma(n)}. If one prefers to have thei hbar and work over the complex numbers, one could have instead defined the Weyl algebra above as generated by "Xi" andi hbar part_{X_i} (as is frequently done inquantum mechanics ).Thus, the Weyl algebra is a quantization of the symmetric algebra, which is essentially the same as the Moyal quantization (if for the latter one restricts to polynomial functions), butthe former is in terms of generators and relations (considered to be differential operators) and the latter is in terms of a deformed multiplication. In the case of exterior algebras, the analogous quantization to the Weyl one is the
Clifford algebra .For more details about this quantization in the case n=1 (and an extension using the
Fourier transform to integrable ("most") functions, not just polynomial functions), seeWeyl quantization .References
* M. Rausch de Traubenberg, M. J. Slupinski, A. Tanasa, " [http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0504224 Finite-dimensional Lie subalgebras of the Weyl algebra] ", (2005) "(Classifies subalgebras of the one dimensional Weyl algebra over the complex numbers; shows relationship to
SL(2,C) )"
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