Nana af

Nana af

Infobox musical artist
Name = NANA

Img_capt =
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Background = group_or_band
Alias =
Origin = Muar , Johor
Genre = Unknown
Years_active = 2003—present
Label = Unknown
Associated_acts =
Current_members =
Past_members =
Notable_instruments =

Nana (Nurul Hana) (July 1st 1983-present) is the former student of Akademi Fantasia 1 in Malaysia. Even though she did not win, she managed to become a successful Malaysiaian artist in her singing and acting career. Nana was the 7th student to be voted out out of 12 students in the academy. She used to write her own column called 'Bicara Nana' which means Nana's Discussion in Harian Metro on Sundays. Nana also appears in a Soy Talk advertisement and currently she is the ambassador promoting the product. She is also a popular DJ at one of Malaysia's most listened to radio stations, called In 2004, she hosted one of the Era's segments called 'Petang di Era'(Evening@Era) with Seelan Paul. She extended her contract with Era from 2005 up to 2006 and hosts various kinds of segments including 'Carta Era'(Era Charts) with Kiran.


She was born as Nurul Hana binti Che Mahazan in Muar, Johor. She is a Malay who was born in a middle class family. She is the second of four siblings. Her elder brother plays guitar while the younger one plays drum.


* Album Evolusi 1


* Potret Mistik
* Gangster
* Akademi Fantasia 1 (Episode 3,4 and 7)
* Akademi Fantasia Raya 2003
* Akademi Fantasia Final
* Akademi Fantasia 2 (Special Appearance)
* Astro's Dua Dunia

Awards and Nominations

See also

* Akademi Fantasia


* []
* []

External links

* [ Official Site]

* [ Nana's Blog at]

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