Peep show

Peep show

A peep show or peepshow is an exhibition of pictures or objects viewed through a small hole or magnifying glass. This may or may not be a sex show, although the latter kind has eventually become the most common usage of the term since the advent of cinema and television, which largely replaced the various kinds of entertainment provided by wandering showmen.


Peep shows [] , also known as peep box or raree show ("rarity show") trace back to ancient times (15th century in Europe, by Leon Battista Alberti) and are known in various cultures. It could be a wooden box with a hole or several holes. It contained a set of pictures which the show-man can set into a viewing position by pulling the corresponding string. The boxes could be decorated inside to resemble a theatrical scene. The show was accompanied by "talk show" that explained what was happening in the show.Common subjects included exotic views and animals, scenes of classical drama or masques, court ceremonies, and surprise transformations, e.g., of an angel into a devil and of course, lewd pictures.

Raree shows were precursors of toy theatres, with movable scenes and paper figurines, popular in the 19th century.

Pornographic peep shows

In contemporary use peep show refers to a piecewise presentation of pornographic films or, less commonly, a live sex show using a coin/bill-operated device, which shuts the viewing slot after a short time, requiring more money to be deposited for continuation. Peep shows have been used for erotic and pornographic pictures, such as "What the Butler Saw" since before the turn of the twentieth century.

For live peep shows, booths surround a stage upon which usually female sex workers perform stripteases and sexually-explicit poses. In Barcelona the female sexworkers also perform sexual intercourse with male sex workers on stage. Customers enter booths with windows or shutters which open when money is inserted in a coinbox mechanism. In some cases, booths include paper towel dispensers, [Dr. Jon Griffin Donlon, Peep Shows. In the"St. James Encyclopedia of Pop Culture". According to Dr. Elliot Chiu. "At first, small booths with a seat, a lock, and a roll of paper towels were made available for individual viewing of 8 or 16 mm stag loops or for access to a usually circular "stage" with living performers] for customers that are engaging in masturbation. The customers and the female sex workers can mutually agree to a fee for a "private dance". The "private dance" takes place in a peep show booth with a clear window and seating space for only one customer.

The Lusty Lady peep show in Seattle, WA entered the news in 1997, when it became the first U.S. sex business to be unionized. In 2003 it was bought by the employees and became a worker cooperative.

Research on peep show establishments in California [ Linz, Daniel ; Paul, Bryant ; and Mike Z. Yao. Peep show establishments, police activity, public place, and time: a study of secondary effects in San Diego, California. In The Journal of Sex Research, May 1, 2006.] examined the hypothesis that neighborhoods surrounding sex businesses such as peep show establishments and X-rated movie stores usually have a decline in property values and increases in crime, especially sex-related crimes. The researchers examined the impacts of adult peep show establishments in San Diego. In 2001, Paul, Linz, and Shafer (2001) found that the most frequently cited studies on the impacts of sex businesses did not use reliable or valid methodologies.

External links

* [ The Peep Show and Toy Theatre (many museum pieces)]
* [ The Sunday Times] Article about a sex workers co-op at Soho UK peep show, July 14 1985

Further reading

* Linz, Daniel ; Paul, Bryant ; and Mike Z. Yao. Peep show establishments, police activity, public place, and time: a study of secondary effects in San Diego, California. In "The Journal of Sex Research", May 1, 2006.


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  • peep-show — [ pipʃo ] n. m. • v. 1980; mot angl. « spectacle osé, risqué » ♦ Établissement qui propose la location de cabines individuelles où l on peut voir, à travers une vitre, un spectacle pornographique. ⇒ mirodrome. Des peep shows. ● peep show, peep… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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