Ensemble Micrologus

Ensemble Micrologus

Ensemble Micrologus is an Italian group of medieval music, vocal and instrumental, including both religious and secular pieces from 12th to 16th century in their repertoire.

It is formed by Patricia Bovi (vocals and harp), Adolfo Broegg (lute, psaltery and citola), Goffredo Degli Esposti (flute, bombarde and bagpipes), Ulrich Pfeifer (vocals and hurdy gurdy) and Gabriele Russo (viela, rebec and lyre). It was founded in 1984, shortly after its components participated for several years in the "Calends of May" medieval festival in Assisi (Umbria).

They perform more than forty concerts worldwide, introducing one or two new shows every year. Through the years they have performed more than twenty different ones. In their performances they use reconstructions of ancient instruments, as well as of wardrobe and scenery. They also give medieval music courses in the "Festival of Urbino", the "Royaumont Abbey" and the "Cité de la Musique" in Paris.

Some received prizes:

* 1996 - "Diapason d'Or de l'Année" for the album "Landini e la Musica Fiorentina".
* 1999 - "Diapason d'Or de l'Année" for the album "Alla Napolitana" (in collaboration with "Cappella della Pietà de Turchini")
* 2000 - Best record of the year of the Goldberg magazine for "Cantico della Terra".

Other awarded records are "Napoli Aragonese" (2001), "Laudario di Cortona" (2001), "El Llibre Vermell de Montserrat" (2003) and "Le Jeu de Robin et Marion" by Adam de la Halle (2004).

From 1995 they recorded exclusively in the label Opus 111-Naïve. From 2004 they record in the label Zig Zag Territoires.

In 2007 and 2008 they toured with "Myth", a dance show made by the belgian choregrapher Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.

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