Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa

Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa

Sheikha Haya Rashed Al-Khalifa (born October 18, 1952) (ArB|هيا راشد آل خليفة) is a lawyer and diplomat from Bahrain who was the President of the 61st session of the United Nations General Assembly which began on September 12, 2006, and closed on September 17, 2007. She was the third woman to hold the position since Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit of India and Angie Elisabeth Brooks of Liberia were appointed to the presidency in 1953 and 1969 respectively. She was elected by acclamation after Bahrain was chosen as its candidate by the group of Asian nations.

She was the Bahraini ambassador to France from 1999 to 2004. With Lulwa Al Awadhi, she was one of the first two women in Bahrain to practice law when she was admitted as a lawyer in Bahrain in 1979. She set up her own practise and is the founder of the Haya Rashed Al Khalifa Law Firm. From 1997 to 1999, she was the vice chairwoman of the International Bar Association. She is the legal advisor to Bahrain's royal court and is a Global Advisors to Orphans International.

When she was appointed Ambassador to France in 1999 she became the first ever female Bahraini ambassador. The move was the first in a series of appointments of women to high profile government positions in recent years, which have included the country's first female cabinet minister, Nada Haffadh, and six women nominated to the Shura Council, the upper house of parliament.

Sheikha Haya is a member of the ruling Al Khalifa family of Bahrain. She is the great-granddaughter of Isa ibn Ali Al Khalifa, who ruled Bahrain from 1869 to 1932. The present head of the family, King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa, is the great-great-grandson of Isa ibn Ali. [http://www.4dw.net/royalark/Bahrain/bahrain.htm]

ee also

* Women's political rights in Bahrain
* Dr Nada Haffadh, Bahrain's Minister of Health and first female cabinet member (appointed 2004)

External links

* [http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=23839&Cr=general&Cr1=assembly "Outgoing General Assembly president urges more dialogue among civilizations] ," UN News Centre, September 17, 2007.
* [http://webcast.un.org/ramgen/ga/60/ga060608.rm Election of the President of the United Nations General Assembly] "United Nations"
* [http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/181_1715604,0005.htm "Bahraini woman diplomat to become UN General Assembly Prez". Press Trust of India. "Hindustan Times". June 8, 2006.]
* [http://www.gulfnews.com/region/Bahrain/10045331.html "A date 'to remember with pride'". Habib Toumi. Gulf News. June 8, 2006.]
* [http://www.zeenews.com/znnew/articles.asp?aid=300817&sid=WOR "Bahraini woman becomes UN General Assembly president". Zee News. June 8, 2006.]
* [http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=18797&Cr=general&Cr1=assembly "UN General Assembly to be headed by its third-ever woman president"] , UN.org, June 8, 2006.
* [http://www.dailytelegraph.news.com.au/story/0,20281,19690697-5001028,00.html "Lawyer vows to strengthen UN"] , "Daily Telegraph" (Australia), July 5, 2006
* [http://www.hraklf.com/l1.htm Haya Rashed Al Khalifa Law Firm]

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