Ivo Posti

Ivo Posti

Ivo Posti (born 1975) is an Estonian countertenor. Between 1996–2001 he studied with Aino Kôiv at H. Eller's Music School in Tartu. From 2001 he has studied at The Royal Conservatory in The Hague. He finished it in May 2007. His teachers were Rita Dams and Barbara Pearson. He has also studied with Marius van Altena and Diane Forlano. He had also masterclasses with Taru Valjakka, Thomas Wiedenhofer, Michael Chance, Jill Feldman, Rick Harrell, Niels Muus, Brian Masuda and Roberta Alexander. In the season 2007–2008 he is a member of Nederlandse Operastudio.

Since 2005 he has organized masterclasses for classical singers in Tartu. Posti has given concerts in Estonia and abroad. He has also won many prizes in different competitions (both as a pop singer and an opera singer). The last competitions would be: the 26th International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition 2007 (Vienna, Austria), The 5th Klaudia Taev International Competition for Young Opera Singers (Pärnu, Estonia), London Händel Competition 2008 and Jose Iturbi Music Competition in Los Angeles. In all of them he reached semifinals.

In January 2008 he debuted in co-operation with Aix-en-Provence Festival in France, where he performed the role of The Spirit in Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell in Opera de Lille and Grand Theatre de Provence (cond. Kenneth Weiss). In the season 2008-2009 he is participating in the project in De Nederlandse Opera and Reisopera in Holland.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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