Raz de Sein

Raz de Sein

The Raz de Sein is a stretch of water located between the Isle of Sein and the Pointe du Raz, in Finistère, Bretagne, France.

This sea is a necessary passage for vessels wishing to pass between the Atlantic and the English Channel because further west, at high tide, the Isle of Sein and its embankment stretch for more than 30 miles.

This is a very dangerous navigation zone, due to the violent sea currents from the tides (up to 6 knots during the springs). The current causes the sea to rise quickly, and it is recommended that heavy vessels should only attempt to cross this strait at still water during calmer conditions.

The Raz de Sein is bounded by the La Vieille and Petite Vieille lighthouses, and by the edges of the île de Sein.


*On May 26 2006, Édouard Michelin died while fishing for sea bass on his ship "Liberté". The skipper of the boat, Guillaume Normant, also lost his life in the accident. The boat was found two days later with no apparent damage, roughly 15 km from the Île de Sein.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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