Victor Antoine Signoret

Victor Antoine Signoret

Victor Antoine Signoret (6 April, 1816 Paris - 3 April 1889 Paris ) was a French pharmacologist, physician and entomologist .

In 1845 Signoret gained his doctorate in pharmacology at the University of Paris. His thesis was entitled "De l'Arsenic considéré sous ses divers points de vue". Pharmacology made him a wealthy man and he made many collecting trips mainly in Europe but also in Asia Minor. His very important collection is in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna, Austria although there is significant material in La Specola museum in Florence.

Signoret Worked on both Homoptera and Heteroptera, and is considered to be one of the first great students of Coccidoidea (mealybugs and scale insects ).

He wrote over 80 papers, including a "Revision du groupe des Cydnides" (1881-1884) and he was a Member of the Entomological Society of France, as well as an honour Fellow of the Entomological Society of London.


Translation from French Wikipedia (partly)
*Jean Gouillard (2004). "Histoire des entomologistes français, 1750-1950". Édition entièrement revue et augmentée. Boubée (Paris) : 287 p.
*Jean Lhoste (1987). "Les Entomologistes français. 1750-1950". INRA Éditions : 351 p.
*Anthony Musgrave (1932). "Bibliography of Australian Entomology, 1775-1930, with biographical notes on authors and collectors", Royal Zoological Society of News South Wales (Sydney) : viii + 380.

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