

* June 19 - King Louis IX of France orders all Jews found in public without an identifying yellow badge to be fined ten livres of silver.
* Pélerin de Maricourt first describes magnetic poles and remarks on the nonexistence of isolated magnetic poles.
* King Otakar II of Bohemia inherits Carinthia and part of Carniola, making him the most powerful prince within the Holy Roman Empire; the empire lacking an emperor during the ongoing "great interregnum", Otakar II is one of the most powerful men in Europe.
* The construction of Blair Castle in Scotland is begun by John Comyn.


* The Almohad dynasty of caliphs (not universally accepted), that once ruled most of North Africa and Al-Andalus (Moorish Spain), is extinguished when Idris II is murdered in the dynasty's last remaining possession, Marrakesh.
* The Berber Marinid completes the conquest of Morocco, replacing the Almohad dynasty which it defeated in Marrakesh.


* The Eastern Orthodox Patriarchy of Antioch returns to Antioch after a 171-year exile, during which it had been replaced by the Latin Patriarch of Antioch.


* Philip of Artois
* Huang Gongwang, Chinese painter (d. 1354)
* Vedantadesika, Hindu poet and philosopher


* John I de Balliol, father of John Balliol, King of Scotland
* Svarn, King of Galicia

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