
War and politics

* October 2 - Battle of Largs: King Alexander III of Scotland defeats the Viking armada of King Haakon IV of Norway.
* King James I of Aragon conquers Crevillente, Spain from the Moors during the Reconquista.
* Mindaugas, the only Christian king of Lithuania, is assassinated by his cousin Treniota.
* The chieftains of the eastern part of Iceland become the last to pledge fealty to the Norwegian king, bringing a more complete end to the Icelandic Commonwealth and the Icelandic civil war.
* Genoa captures the city of Chania on Crete from the Venetians.
* Hulagu Khan is defeated in an attempted invasion north of the Caucasus.
* Based on Magdeburg Law, Żnin (Poland) is given city rights.


* Nahmanides, chief rabbi of Catalonia, defends the Talmud in an important disputation against Pablo Christiani before King James I of Aragon.
* The doctrines of theologian Joachim of Fiore are condemned as heresy by the Roman Catholic Church at a synod in Arles.
* Balliol College, Oxford is founded by John I de Balliol.
* The Savoy Palace is constructed in London by Count Peter II of Savoy.


* January 22 - Ibn Taymiya, Syrian philosopher and jurist (d. 1328)
* Theobald II, Duke of Lorraine (d. 1312)


* March 19 - Hugh of St Cher, French cardinal
* September 12 - King Mindaugas of Lithuania
* November 14 - Alexander Nevsky, Grand Prince of Novgorod and Vladimir
* December 15 - King Haakon IV of Norway (b. 1204)
* Hamo de Crevequer, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports
* Count Boniface of Savoy
* Hōjō Tokiyori, regent of Japan (b. 1227)

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