
* Robert de Sorbon founds the "Collège de Sorbonne" at Paris, giving a formal college (and still-common name) to the already existing University of Paris in France.
* Matthew Paris, English historian, personally interviews King Henry III of England for an entire week while compiling his major work of English history, "Chronica Majora".
* King Henry III of England orders the production of a twenty pence English coin of pure gold, the first high-denomination coin minted in England and the first to use gold. Unfortunately for King Henry, the bullion value of the coins is about 20% higher than the nominal face value, leading to poor circulation as coins are melted down by individuals for their gold content.
* The second Genoese War breaks out between Genoa and Venice in Outremer, known as the War of Saint Sabas.
* The city of Kraków is rebuilt by Boleslaus V of Poland after being nearly destroyed in the Tatar invasions in 1241.
* The Japanese Kōgen era ends, and the Shōka era begins.
* The Mongols take Dai Viet (northern Vietnam).
* Aberdeen Grammar School is opened.


* October 14 - King Przemysł II of Poland (d. 1296)
* Beatrice of Burgundy (d. 1310)
* King Sancho IV of Castile and León (d. 1295)


* June 4 - Duke Przemysł I of Greater Poland
* August 15 - Saint Hyacinth
* December 24 - John I, Count of Hainaut (b. 1218)

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