List of psychology journals

List of psychology journals

This list presents a selection of journals in the field of psychology and its branches.

External links

* [ Electronic Journals and Periodicals in Psychology and Related Fields]
* The DOAJ [ list of psychology open access journals]


*"Adaptive Behavior"
*"Adolescence early clinical and scientific reports (ADORE)"
* "Advances in Experimental Social Psychology"
*"American Journal of Psychiatry"
* "American Journal of Psychology"
* "American Psychologist"
*"The American Physiological Society Abstracts"
* "American Psychologist"
* "Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy"
* "Annales de Psicologia"
* "Annual Review of Psychology"
* "APS Observer" -- House magazine of Association for Psychological Science
* "Aphasiology"
* "Applied Psychology"
* "Asian Journal of Social Psychology"
* "Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology"
* "Archives of General Psychiatry"
* "" []
* "Australian Psychologist"


* "Behavioral and Brain Sciences"
*"Behavior Analyst Today []
*"Behavior Research Methods"
*"Behavior Research & Therapy"
* "Behavior Development Bulletin" []
*"BMC Neurology"
*"BMC Neuroscience"
*"BMC Psychiatry"
*"Brain and Language"
*"Brain and Mind Magazine"
*"British Journal of Clinical Psychology"
*"British Journal of Developmental Psychology"
*"British Journal of Educational Psychology"
*"British Journal of Health Psychology"
*"British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology"
*"British Journal of Medical Psychology"
*"British Journal of Psychology"
*"British Journal of Social Psychology"
*"British Journal of Sports Medicine"


*"Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science"
*"Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology"
*"Canadian Journal of Psychiatry"
*"Canadian Journal of Psychology"
*"Canadian Psychology"
*"Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science"
*"Cerebral Cortex"
*"Chemical Senses"
*"Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Online"
* "Child Development"
* "Clinical Psychology Newsletter"
* ""
* "Cognition"
* "Cognition and Emotion"
* "Cognitive Neuropsychiatry"
* "Cognitive Neuropsychology"
* "Cognitive Therapy and Research"
* "Complexity International"
* "Consciousness and Cognition Contemporary Psychology"
* "Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal" (CCPJ)
* "Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin"
* "Cross Cultural Research"
* "Cultic Studies Review"
* "Current Directions in Psychological Science"
* "Current Neuroscience Reports"
* "Current Psychiatry Reports"
* "Current Psychosis and Therapeutic Reports"
* "Current Research in Social Psychology" (CRISP).
* "Cybernetics and Human Knowing"


* "Developmental Psychology"
* "Development and Pathology"
* "Dynamical Psychology"


*Ecological Psychology
*Education & Treatment of Children
*Educational Policy Analysis Archives
*Educational Psychology
*The Electronic Journal of Communicative Psychoanalysis
*The Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
*Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology
*The EMDR Practitioner
*Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal
*European Journal of Behavior Analysis
*European Journal of Neuroscience
*European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
*Europe's Journal of Psychology
*European Eating Disorders Review
*European Psychologist
*Evidenced-Based Mental Health


*Family relations


*General Hospital Psychiatry
*Genes, Brain and Behavior
*Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs []
*German Journal of Psychiatry
*Gestalt Review
*Gestalt theory


*The Harvard Brain
*History of Psychology


*Individual Difference Research
*International Bulletin of Political Psychology
*International Journal of Aviation Psychology
*International Journal of Behavior Development
*International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
*International Journal of Behavior Consultation and Therapy ( [ BAO] )
*International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
*International Journal of Comparative Psychology
*International Journal of Forensic Psychology (IJFP)
*International Journal of Human Computer Studies
*International Journal of Psychology
*International Journal of Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychotherapy
*International Journal of Rural Psychology
*International Psychogeriatrics
*International Journal of Transgenderism
*Internet Journal of Mental Health
*Internet Journal of Ophthalmology and Visual Science


*Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
*Journal of Abnormal Psychology
*Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
*Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan
*Journal of Addictive Diseases
*Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
*Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
* "Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis"
* "Journal of Applied Psychology"
*Journal of Applied Psychoanalysis
*Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
*Journal of Australian Psychology
*Journal of Behavioral and Neuroscience Research
* "Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology"
*Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology
* "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry"
*Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology
*Journal of Consciousness Studies
*Journal of Credibility Assessment and Witness Psychology
*Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
*Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention []
*Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
* "Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience"
* [ Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (Founding Editor: Dr. Daniel David, 2001)]
*Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation
* "Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology"
* "Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior"
*Journal of Family Therapy
* "Journal of Family Violence"
*Journal of General Psychology
* "Journal of Genetic Psychology" []
* "Journal of Health Psychology"
*Journal of Intelligent Systems
*Journal of Marriage and Family
*Journal of Humanistic Psychology
*Journal of Mind and Behavior
*Journal of Neurophysiology
*Journal of Neuroscience
*Journal of Online Behavior
*Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
* [ "Journal of Occupational Health Psychology"]
*Journal of Pastoral Care
* "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology"
*Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities [ ]
*Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
* []
*Journal of Research in Personality
*Journal of Research Practice
*Journal of Rural Community Psychology
* "Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy"
*Journal of Sex Research
*Journal of Social & Psychological Sciences
* Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis []
*Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
*Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education
*Journal of Undergraduate Psychology Research
*Journal of Virtual Environments
*Journal of Vision
*Journal of Vocational Behavior
* "Journal of Worry & Affective Experience"


*Kindheit und Entwicklung (Childhood and Development)


*Language and Cognitive Processes
*Learning and Memory
*Legal and Criminological Psychology


*Metaphor and Symbolic Activity
*Medicine, Mind and Adolescence
* "Merrill-Palmer Quarterly"
*Modern Psychological Studies
*Music Perception


*Neural Information Processing
*Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
*The Neuroscientist
*North American Journal of Psychology


*Personality and Individual Differences
* "Personnel Psychology"
*Perspectives on Psychological Science
*Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE)
*Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
*Psychiatry Online Italia POL. Italian
*Psychologica Belgica
*Psychological Assessment
* "Psychological Bulletin"
* "Psychological Methods"
* "Psychological Review"
*Psychological Science
*Psychological Science in the Public Interest
*The Psychologist- House magazine of British Psychological Society
* "Psychology Journal"
*Psychology in Spain
*Psychology Online Journal
*Psychology of Music
*Psychology Software News
*Psychosomatic Medicine
*Psychotherapie - Zeitschrift für Moderne Psychotherapie & Gesellschaft


The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology


*Radical Pedegology
*Radical Psychology
*Reading Online
*Revista Internacional de Psicoanálisis

* ""


*Technical Acoustics
*Theory and Psychology
*Theory and Review in Psychology
*Theory and Science
*Thinking & Reasoning
* "Trends in Cognitive Sciences"
*TRN Newsletter
*Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology


* Universitas Psychologica

*Vision Research
*Visual Cognition
*Visual Neuroscience


[ Work & Stress]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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