Luis Bush

Luis Bush

Luis Bush is an American Christian strategist-activist and international facilitator of Transform World Connections based in Singapore.

Early life

Bush was born in Argentina, but was raised in Brazil. In 1970 he graduated from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, N.C. in economics and worked in Business Consulting for a Big Eight accounting firm in Chicago deciding to devote to a Christian ministry in 1973. After his graduation from theological seminary in 1978, he traveled to San Salvador, along with his wife Doris, to serve at the Iglesia Nazaret as senior pastor. Bush led the movement of missions called COMIBAM from Latin America during its initial phase and later served as CEO of Partners International from 1986 to 1992, an organization that seeks to grow communities of Christian witnesses in largely non-Christian areas by partnering with indigenous Christian ministries. He served as the international director of the AD2000 & Beyond Movement from 1989-2001.

The 10/40 Window & Transform World

He coined the term 10/40 Window which focused on the region of the world with greatest human suffering combined with least exposure to Christianity. Transform World was the name given to the first global event in Indonesia in 2005 when Luis was asked to serve as international facilitator for other related events processes. Transform World Connections exists to build a community of servant-catalysts engaged in God’s mission of transformation that results in the healing and blessing of the nations.

Later studies

Bush completed a PhD in Intercultural Studies from Fuller School of World Mission in 2003. The study of catalytic antecedents of today’s mission led to a World Inquiry conducted from 2002 to 2004 involving participants from more than 700 cities. It became clear that a compelling new paradigm of “mission as transformation” has emerged at the beginning of the 21st Century.

External links

* [ The 10/40 Window by Luis Bush ]
* [ AD2000 & Beyond Movement]
* [ Present Day Movement]

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