1847 in Canada

1847 in Canada

"See also:"
1846 in Canada,
other events of 1847,
1848 in Canada and the
list of 'years in Canada'.



* January 30 - Lord Elgin, Governor, arrives at Montreal.
* September 1 - Lord Elgin visits the immigrant 'fever' sheds at Pointe St. Charles, Montreal.
* October 18 - Telegraph Line from Quebec to London, Canada West, complete.
* October 23 - 65 immigrants die in a week at Pointe St. Charles neighbourhood of Montreal.
* November 1 - 9,634 deaths of immigrants since 1st Jan.
* November 19 - The railway from Montreal to Lachine is opened.
* St. Lawrence canal system completed. Faster and cheaper than US system, but growing US railroads are now the real threat.
* Typhus outbreak as over 3,000 immigrants arrive in Bytown (Ottawa) in the height of summer. The Rideau Canal is shutdown to prevent further spread of the outbreak. 167 die in quarantine.
* Outbreak of measles among the Cayuse of the Pacific Northwest.
* Fort Yukon established.


* February 25 - John Watson, philosopher
* March 3 - Alexander Graham Bell, inventor
* August 3 - John Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, Governor General
* September 3 - George Eulas Foster, politician
* September 8 - Abraham Groves, physician
* November 1 - Emma Albani, soprano
* November 16 - Edmund James Flynn, Premier of Quebec
* November 24 - A. E. B. Davie, Premier of British Columbia


*Date unknown: on "Grosse Ile", there was a tragedy that killed thousands of Irish immigrants.

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