1841 in Canada

1841 in Canada

"See also:"
1840 in Canada,
other events of 1841,
1842 in Canada and the
list of 'years in Canada'.



* June 13 - First Parliament of Canada meets at Kingston.
* 1841 to 1842 - The Dawn Settlement in what is now Dresden, Ontario, is established to provide self-help for Blacks in agricultural communities.


* January 15 - Frederick Stanley, 16th Earl of Derby, Governor General
* March 9 - Robert A. Davis, Premier of Manitoba
* April 15 - Joseph Seagram, businessman
* April 21 - Jennie Kidd Trout, physician
* May 8 - John Norquay, Premier of Manitoba
* August 10 - James David Edgar, politician
* August 10 - Oronhyatekha, physician
* September 13 - George Airey Kirkpatrick, politician
* September 18 - George William Ross, Premier of Ontario
* November 20 - Wilfrid Laurier, politician
* December 3 - John Brown, politician


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