

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
Wappen = Wappen Knittlingen.pnglat_deg = 49 |lat_min = 01 |lat_sec = 26
lon_deg = 08 |lon_min = 45 |lon_sec = 25
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Baden-Württemberg
Regierungsbezirk = Karlsruhe
Landkreis = Enzkreis
Höhe = 196
Fläche = 26.33
Einwohner = 7658
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 75438
Vorwahl = 07043 und 07045
Kfz = PF
Gemeindeschlüssel = 08 2 36 033
Straße = Marktstraße 19
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Heinz-Peter Hopp

Knittlingen is a town in the state of Baden-Württemberg,
Enz district Germany. Knittlingen is a town at the Eastern edge of the Kraichgau lies in the centre of a rectangle that is formed by
Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Heilbronn and Stuttgart as corners. It has a population of approximately 8,000. The centre of Knittlingen consists of many old half-timbered houses.It is situated 15 km north of Pforzheim, and 26 km east of Karlsruhe.Villages under the administration of Knittlingen include Freudenstein, Hohenklingen and Kleinvillars.

Neighbouring municipalities

Neighbouring towns and municipalities (clockwise): Sternenfels, Maulbronn, Ölbronn-Dürrn, (all Enz (district), Bretten, and Oberderdingen, (both Karlsruhe (district)).


(Bruchsal or Karlsruhe-Exit),
A6 (Eppingen-Exit) and A8 Pforzheim-Exit are reachable within approximately 30 minutes.

In Knittlingen-Kleinvillars there are a City Train station S-Bahn-KA-S9 which brings the commuters to Karlsruhe, Bruchsal and Mühlacker.

The nearest airport is part of the Baden Airpark (officially Flughafen Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden) about 70 km southwest of Knittlingen, with regular connections to airports in Germany and Europe in general. Frankfurt International Airport can be reach in about an hour and a half by car, whereas Stuttgart Airport can be reached in about one hour.


It was first mentioned in 835. The Thurn and Taxis founded a postal service station in Knittlingen reaching the cities from Innsbruck to Brussels. It was burned down in the Thirty Years War. Supposedly the magician Johann Faust was born here. Hence the city has a Faust archive and a Faust museum.


Knittlingen is one of the biggest wine-growing municipality of Württemberg. Wine-growing was proved there for 700 years. Numerous sorts of wine are growing.


The "Dr. Johannes-Faust-School" is an elementary and secondary school and is visited by nearly 1000 students from all over the Enz (district). There are elementary schools in Freudenstein and Kleinvillars as well.


* Dr. Johannes Faust Museum

Famous residents

*Johann Georg Faust


The Badischen Neuesten Nachrichten (BNN), a daily newspaper operating out of Karlsruheand the Pforzheimer Zeitung.

Partner cities

Partner cities/twin towns of Knittlingen are
* Benaojan (Spain)
* Montejaque (Spain)

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