Running Start

Running Start

The Running Start program in Washington state allows high school juniors and seniors to attend college courses numbered 100 or above, tuition-free, while completing high school. It is similar to dual enrollment programs common at public and private colleges and universities in other states. The program was piloted in the early 1990s and officially approved to begin in the fall of 1993.

Running Start provides up to two years of paid tuition at any state-run community college or four-year university. High school juniors who can pass the entrance exam for a local community college may take part or all of their coursework at the community college. Successfully passing a course earns a student both high school and college credit.

Running Start students complete a substantial number of their first two years of college credits early. After high school, they pay for fewer community college credits before moving on to four-year institutions. It is possible for a motivated student to earn his or her high school diploma and a two-year college associate's degree simultaneously.


The program’s popularity has resulted in significant demand. In 2006-07, 16,826 students participated in Running Start. Running Start students make up eight percent of all community and technical college full-time equivalent students (10,842 FTEs), and more than 18 percent of academic enrollments.

Tuition and fees

Students are responsible for fees, but the state pays students’ tuition for college level courses with these exceptions: courses numbered under 100, summer quarter classes, more than 18 credits per quarter, audited classes and continuing education classes. Fees may include books and supplies, testing fees and student activity fees.


*Bellevue Community College
*Big Bend
* [ Clark]
*Clover Park
*Columbia Basin
* [ Edmonds CC]
*Grays Harbor
* [ Green River]
* [ Highline]
*Lake Washington
*Lower Columbia
*Pierce Fort Steilacoom
*Pierce Puyallup
*Seattle Central
*Seattle North
*Seattle South
*Seattle Voc Institute
* [ Skagit Valley]
*South Puget Sound
*Spokane Falls
*Walla Walla
*Wenatchee Valley
* [ Whatcom Community College]
*Yakima Valley

External links

* [ Running Start Program] Eastern Washington University
* [ Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges]
* [ Running Start Compared To Other High School Options] The Seattle Times

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  • running start — noun 1. a racing start in which the contestants are already in full motion when they pass the starting line • Syn: ↑flying start • Hypernyms: ↑racing start 2. a quick and auspicious beginning • Syn: ↑flying start …   Useful english dictionary

  • running start — {n. phr.} Good progress at the beginning. * /The team was off to a running start, having won the first two games./ * /Contributions of $5000 before the drive began gave the charity fund a running start./ Compare: HEAD START …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • running start — {n. phr.} Good progress at the beginning. * /The team was off to a running start, having won the first two games./ * /Contributions of $5000 before the drive began gave the charity fund a running start./ Compare: HEAD START …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • running start — 1. Sports. a start, as in the hop, step, and jump or the running broad jump, in which a contestant begins moving before reaching the starting or take off point. 2. an initial advantage in undertaking something; a head start: His background gave… …   Universalium

  • running\ start — n. phr. Good progress at the beginning. The team was off to a running start, having won the first two games. Contributions of $5000 before the drive began gave the charity fund a running start. Compare: head start …   Словарь американских идиом

  • running start — startas iš eigos statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Lenktynių pradžia ėmus judėti gerokai prieš starto liniją. Starto linija kertama jau įgavus didelį (didžiausią) greitį, o chronometras įjungiamas tik perkirtus starto liniją.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • running start — Synonyms and related words: A, advantage, alpha, anticipation, beginning, beginnings, blast off, bulge, coign of vantage, commencement, creation, cutting edge, dawn, drop, earliness, early hour, early stage, edge, establishment, first crack,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • running start — noun Date: 1926 flying start …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • get\ off\ to\ a\ running\ start — • get off to a flying start • get off to a running start v. phr. To have a promising or successful beginning. Ron got off to a flying start in business school when he got nothing but A s …   Словарь американских идиом

  • running — [run′iŋ] n. 1. the act of a person or thing that runs (in various senses); racing, managing, proceeding, etc. 2. the condition of a track with reference to its use in a race 3. a) that which runs, or flows b) the amount or quantity that runs adj …   English World dictionary

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