

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game's Spelljammer setting, the giff is a monstrous humanoid. A giff is a cross between a human and a hippopotamus in appearance. A giff is usually lawful neutral in alignment. They are a disciplined, militaristic race who live as mercenaries in the strange culture of those who travel between stars and planets. They adore war and battle, and are particularly fascinated with firearms of all types - even in situations where such weapons can be potentially lethal to their users.

They are generally inferior to other races in intelligence, but are far stronger and more resilient. The only factors reducing their power to terrify others are their names (Algernon Kilburne and Ophelia Hadley being typical) and their dress sense, which tends towards extreme ornamentation; giff have been known to cover their armor in campaign ribbons, for example.

The giff is presented as a playable character race in "Player's Option: Skills & Powers" (1995).


*Spelljammer: Adventures in Space
*Complete Spacefarer's Handbook
*Dragon Magazine #339, page 26, "Creature Catalog IV" (2006)
*Stewart, Doug, ed. "Monstrous Manual" (TSR, 1994).

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