- Emmett Williams
Emmett Williams ( Greenville,
South Carolina ,April 4 ,1925 –February 14 ,2007 ,Berlin ,Germany ), was an American poet.He was born in Greenville,
South Carolina , and grew up inVirginia , and lived inEurope from 1949 to 1966. Williams studied poetry withJohn Crowe Ransom atKenyon College , studied anthropology at theUniversity of Paris , and worked as an assistant to the ethnologistPaul Radin inSwitzerland .As an artist and poet, Emmett Williams collaborated with
Daniel Spoerri in theDarmstadt circle ofconcrete poetry from 1957 to 1959. In the 1960s, Williams was the European coordinator ofFluxus , and a founding member of the Domaine Poetique inParis, France .His theater essays have appeared in "Das Neue Forum", "Berner Blatter", "Ulmer Theater", and other European magazines. Williams translated and reanecdoted Daniel Spoerri's "Topographie Anecdotee du Hasard (An Anecdoted Topography of Chance)", collaborated with
Claes Oldenburg on "Store Days", and edited "An Anthology of Concrete Poetry", all published by theSomething Else Press (owned and managed by fellow Fluxus artistDick Higgins inNew York andVermont ). From the mid 1960s through the early 1970s Emmett Williams was Editor in Chief of the Something Else Press.In 1996 he was honoured for his life work with the Hannah-Hösch-Preis.
External links
* [http://www.virtualitas.net/finearts/archive/vitaew.htm Emmett Williams at at VIRTUALITAS]
* [http://colophon.com/umbrella/emmet.html Emmett Williams Interview]
* [http://www.ubu.com/historical/williams/williams.html Emmett Williams at UBUWEB]
* [http://www.artsjournal.com/herman/archives/2007/02/post_11.html Emmett Williams, RIP]
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