- Wubbo de Boer
Wubbo de Boer (born
May 27 ,1948 ,Amsterdam [http://oami.europa.eu/en/office/admin/pdf/OJEU-C53-EN.pdf Council Decision of 17 February 2005, renewing the term of office of the President of the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (trade marks and designs)] (pdf) ] ) is a Dutchcivil servant . He is the current President of theOffice for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), theEuropean Union body in charge oftrademark s anddesign s and based in Alicante, Spain. He was appointed as president of OHIM in October 2000, and then renewed for the period fromOctober 1 ,2005 toSeptember 30 ,2010 .He was educated at the University of Amsterdam (1966-1971).
Further reading
* [http://www.managingip.com/?Page=17&ISS=12712&SID=473335 "OHIM: Leading OHIM into the 21st century"] , Managing Intellectual Property, Supplement - Spain and OHIM Guide, September 2003
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.