

Snobs is a novel written by Julian Fellowes. It centres around Britain's modern aristocracy and the courtship and marriage of Charles, Earl Broughton and Miss Edith Lavery. It is written from the perspective of a nameless character who bears more than a passing resemblance to Fellowes himself.

Plot summary

Edith Lavery is an upper middle class single woman who feels she has reached a time in her life when the only chance of riches, fame and success is to marry a rich man. Her parents, especially her mother, have spent most of Edith's life trying to make her respectable to the upper classes and are both extremely glad when she announces her courtship and engagement to bumbling but kind-hearted, Charles Broughton, the son of the Marquess of Uckfield.

The engagement is not looked upon favourably by Charles' mother, the Marchioness of Uckfield ('Googie' to her friends) or by many in Charles' 'set'. His friends and relatives frequently mock Edith and attempt to 'catch her out' as an alien to the aristocracy. Her greatest enemy of all, ironically, is Eric Chase, husband of Lady Caroline Chase (Charles' sister) who comes from a similar background to Edith herself.

After the couple marry they honeymoon in Majorca, Spain and cracks already begin to form in the marriage. Charles bores Edith and Edith puzzles Charles. Back at the family seat of Broughton Hall, Edith is tempted by Simon Russell, an actor who is filming scenes for a period drama at Broughton with the story's narrator. She embarks on an affair with Russell which leads her to eventually very nearly divorce Charles.

She returns to the Broughton fold upon news of her being pregnant. She accepts Charles for who he is and they live 'happily enough'.


*The Narrator
*Edith Lavery
*Charles, Earl Broughton
*The Marquess of Uckfield ('Tigger')
*The Marchioness of Uckfield ('Googie')
*Lady Caroline Chase
*Eric Chase
*Adela FitzGerald
*Lord Cumnor
*Lady Cumnor
*The Honourable Tommy Wainright
*Lord Peter Broughton
*Viscount Bohen
*Viscountess Bohen
*Bob Watson
*Annette Watson
*Isabel Easton
*David Easton
*Mrs. Lavery
*Mr. Lavery

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