- Euonymus alatus
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Burning Bush ("Euonymus alatus")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Celastrales
familia =Celastraceae
genus = "Euonymus "
species = "E. alatus"
binomial = "Euonymus alatus"
binomial_authority = (Thunb.) Siebold"Euonymus alatus", known variously as Winged Spindle, Winged Euonymus or Burning Bush, is a
deciduous shrub native to easternAsia , in central and northernChina ,Japan , andKorea . The shrub grows to 2.5 m tall (8.2 feet), often wider than tall. The stems are notable for their four corky ridges or "wings". These unique structures develop from acork cambium deposited in longitudinal grooves in the twigs' first year, unlike similar wings in other plants. [Bowen, R. A. 1963. Botanical Gazette 124 (4): 256-261. ] The leaves are 2-7 cm long and 1-4 cm broad, ovate-elliptic, with an acute apex. Theflower s are greenish, borne over a long period in the spring. Thefruit is a redaril enclosed by a four-lobed pink, yellow or orange capsule.The common name "burning bush" comes from the bright red fall color.
It is a popular
ornamental plant in gardens and parks due to its bright pink or orange fruit and attractive fall color. This plant is aninvasive species of woodlands in easternNorth America . [cite web | url=http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/pubs/midatlantic/eual.htm | title=Winged Burning Bush | work=Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas | author=Swearingen, J., K. Reshetiloff, B. Slattery, and S. Zwicker. | date=2002 | publisher=National Park Service and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service]References
*Ann Fouler Rhoads and Timothy A. Block. "The Plants of Pennsylvania". University of Pennsylvania Press,
2000 . ISBN 0-8122-3535-5
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.