Russian dressing

Russian dressing

Russian dressing is an American tomato-based salad dressing noted for its piquancy. It is typically a clear and glistening bright orange-red or burnt red in color.


Russian dressing was invented in the United States in the late 1800s or early 1900s.

Some claim that the dressing's name originated in the fact that the condiment in those days typically included caviar, a food associated with Russia.Fact|date=February 2008


It may have a base of yogurt, mayonnaise, or ketchup, although the latter two ingredients are today more associated with Thousand Island dressing. Earlier historical recipes claiming to be Russian dressing usually do have a base of mayonnaise, and are in fact indistinguishable from modern Thousand Island dressing.

Ingredients may also include horseradish, pimentos, chives and various additional spices.

The clearness that has come to be associated with Russian dressing may be owed to the fact that early recipes for it sometimes included gelatin or aspic.


*Russian dressing is often the principal condiment used on Reuben sandwiches, although the creamier and somewhat less tangy Thousand Island dressing is more often used for that purpose.
*Green salads with poached or hard-boiled eggs.
*Raw spinach salads.

ee also

*Fry sauce
*Thousand Island dressing

External links

* [ Historical definitions and recipes for Russian dressing]

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  • Russian dressing — Rus′sian dress′ing n. coo a mayonnaise dressing containing chili sauce, chopped pickles, pimientos, and other ingredients • Etymology: 1920–25 …   From formal English to slang

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