- Brandberg Mountain
Infobox Mountain
Name=The Brandberg
Caption=The Brandberg Massif viewed from the south atsunset
Elevation= convert|2573|m|ft|abbr=on|lk=on [http://landsat.usgs.gov/gallery/detail/367/ landsat.usgs.gov] ]
Location=Erongo , flag|Namibia
pushpin_label_position = right
pushpin_map_caption = Location of Brandberg Mountain in Namibia
pushpin_mapsize = 200
latd= 21|latm= 07|lats= 00|latNS=S
longd= 14|longm= 33|longs= 00|longEW=E
Coordinates=coor at dm|21|07|S|14|33|E|type:mountain_region:NA
Easiest route = Ga'aseb River ValleyFact|date=February 2007
Translation = Fire Mountain | Language = German
Listing = UltraThe Brandberg (
Damara : Dâures; _hz. Omukuruvaro), isNamibia 's highestmountain , and is located inDamaraland , in the northwesternNamib Desert , near the coast, and covers an area of approximately 650 km². [http://landsat.usgs.gov/gallery/detail/367/ landsat.usgs.gov] ] With its highest point, the Königstein "(German for 'King's Stone')", standing at 2573m abovesea level and located on the flatNamib gravel plains, on a clear day 'The Brandberg' can be seen from a great distance. There are various routes to the summit, the easiest (also steepest) being up theGa'aseb river valley, but other routes include theHungurob andTsisab river valleys.The name "Brandberg" is Afrikaans and German for "Fire Mountain", which comes from its glowing color which is sometimes seen in the setting sun. The Damara name for the mountain is "Dâures", which means 'burning mountain', while the
Herero name, "Omukuruvaro" means 'mountain of the Gods'.The nearest settlement is
Uis , roughly 30km from the mountain.Geology
The "Brandberg Massif" or "Brandberg Intrusion" is a granitic
intrusion , which forms a dome-shaped plateau. Thegeology of the area is typical of Damaraland, which is littered with eroded mountains, hills and koppies (small hills), which are made up of granite boulders. These piles of granite are ancientmagma chambers, formed billions of years ago when under groundvolcanic activity was common in southernAfrica . Over the millennia, these massivedeposits of magma cooled and have been exposed, as we see them today, by the forces oferosion . One basic ingredient found in granite is the mineralfeldspar . Feldspar is often a pinkish colour and Damaraland is blessed with mountains and koppies of a most spectacular red / pink colour that during sunrise and sunset can sometimes take on an almost blood red colour. 'The Brandberg' is a perfect example of this and is one of the reasons why Damaraland is a main contender for the "most beautiful region in Namibia".An associated feature is the
Doros crater .Rock painting
The Brandberg is a spiritual site of great significance to the San (Bushman)
tribe s, . The main tourist attraction isThe White Lady rockpainting , located on a rock face with otherart work, under a small rock overhang, in the Tsisab Ravine at the foot of the mountain. The ravine contains more than 1 000 rock shelters, as well as more than 45 000 rock paintings. [ [http://www.tourbrief.com/cms/?option=com_content&task=view&id=336 tourbrief.com] ]To reach "The White Lady" it is necessary to hike for about 40 minutes over rough terrain, along the
ancient watercourses threading through the mountain.Wildlife
The Brandberg is also home to some interesting desert
flora . Damaraland is well known for its grotesquealoe s andeuphorbia s and the region around the mountain is no exception. The area has many plants and trees that have an alien appearance, due in part to the extreme climatic conditions.The area is uninhabited and wild. It is very arid and finding water can be difficult or impossible. In summer temperatures over 40°C are routine.
Nonetheless, the Brandberg area is home to a large diversity of
wildlife . The numbers of animals are small because the environment cannot support large populations, however most of the desert species that are found in Namibia are present and visitors to the area might glimpse a desert dwelling elephant or a rareblack rhino .The new insect taxon
Mantophasmatodea was first discovered on this mountain in 2002.References
External links
* [http://asterweb.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery-detail.asp?name=brandberg 3D perspective view at NASA]
* [http://www.matze-wormuth.de/namcen.htm Photos from the plateau]
* [http://www.acrossthedivide.com/timelapse/ Timelapse photography of sunset]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.