Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations

Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations

Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) was a co-ordinating center for anti-Communist émigré political organizations from Soviet and other socialist countries. The ABN formation dates back to an underground conference of representatives of non-Russian peoples that took place on November 1943, near Zhytomyr on the initiative of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. During the conference, a platform of joint revolutionary struggle against what the participants called "Russian communism" was formulated. The goal of the ABN was to remove communists from power, abolish the Soviet Union and divide it into national states. Given an organizational structure in Munich in 1946, the ABN extended its range of activity and began to include Eastern European emigration from other countries apart from Ukraine.

Member organisation for various times:
*"Free Armenia" Committee, (Armenia)
*Bulgarian National Front, (Bulgaria)
*Belarusian Central Rada, (Belarus)
*Cossack National Liberation Movement, (see Cossacks)
*Croatian National Liberation Movement, (Croatia)
*Czech Movement for Freedom (Za Svobodu), (Czech Republic)
*Czech National Committee,
*Estonian Liberation Movement, (Estonia)
*Union of the Estonian Fighters for Freedom,
*Georgian National Organization, (Georgia)
*Hungarian Liberation Movement, (Hungary)
*Hungarian Mindszenty Movement,
*Latvian Association for the Struggle against Communism, (Latvia)
*Lithuanian Rebirth Movement, (Lithuania)
*Slovak Liberation Committee, (Slovakia)
*National Turkestanian Unity Committee, (Turkestan)
*United Hetman Organization, (see Hetman)
*Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Bandera faction).

The most active groups among the Bloc were the Ukrainian national organisations.

The ABN was headed by Yaroslav Stetsko, a war-time resistant to Soviet power, from the time of foundation until 1986, the year of his death. Stetsko was succeeded by his widow, Slava Stetsko. The chairmen of the ABN Peoples' Council included V. Berzins, V. Kajum-Khan, F. Ďurčanský, F. Farkas de Kisbarnak, and R. Ostrowski. The long-time general secretaries were N. Nakashidze and C. Pokorný.

The headquarters and cells of the ABN organized mass anti-Soviet rallies, protest demonstrations, press conferences, and international congresses, and the distribution of various memoranda. The ABN co-operated with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) and the European Freedom Council (EFC). Representatives from the ABN and related organizations participated in the congresses of the WACL and EFC. [ [ Encyclopedia of Ukraine] .]

The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations was disbanded in 1996 after the collapse of the USSR and Soviet communism.

See also

* League for the Liberation of the Peoples of the USSR
* World Anti-Communist League


External links

* [ How the Liberals sheltered Nazis]
* [ The Intermarium: Wilson, Madison, & East Central European Federalism by Dr. Jonathan Levy]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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