- Treaty of Tours
The Treaty of Tours was an agreement between
Henry VI of England and the French King Charles VII, signed onMay 22 1444 . The terms stipulated the marriage of Charles VII's fifteen year old niece,Margaret of Anjou , to Henry VI and the agreement of a 21 month truce between the Kingdoms ofEngland andFrance . In exchange for the marriage, Charles wanted the area of Maine in northern France. Henry VI married Margaret a year later, in April1445 , when Henry VI was 23 years old. He did not, however, give up Maine. Charles threatened Henry VI and sent envoys to pressure him; even Margaret tried to persuade Henry to give it up. Henry eventually yielded in1448 when Charles VII threatened English garrisons with a large army. The Treaty was seen as a major failure for England as the bride secured for Henry VI was a poor match, being related to King Charles VII only distantly, and through marriage rather than by blood. Her marriage came also without adowry , when the amount that should have been given was 20,000livres .Margaret of Anjou was the daughter of the impoverishedRené of Anjou and in addition to being presented with Margaret without a dowry, Henry was also expected to pay for the wedding. The Treaty of Tours exacerbated rifts between the court'sBeaufort faction and the Dukes of Gloucester and York, and has been considered a potentially contributary factor to the outbeak of theWars of the Roses .
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