Ad Gentes

Ad Gentes

"Ad Gentes" is the Second Vatican Council's Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church. Passed by assembled bishops by a vote of 2,394 to 5, it was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 18, 1965. The title is Latin for "To the Nations," and is from the first line of the decree, as is customary with Roman Catholic documents. (The full text in English is available from the [ Holy See's website] .)

Ad Gentes focused on the factors involved in mission work. It called for the continued development of missionary acculturation. It encourages missionaries to live with the people they are attempting to convert, to absorb their ways and culture. It encourages the coordination of mission work through agencies and the cooperation with other groups and organizations within the Catholic Church and other denominations.


"The numbers given correspond to the section numbers within the text."

# Preface "(1)"
# Principles of Doctrine "(2-9)"
# Mission Work Itself "(10-18)"
## Christian Witness (11-12)
## Preaching the Gospel and Gathering Together the People of God (13-14)
## Forming a Christian Community (15-18)
# Particular Churches "(19-22)"
# Missionaries "(23-27)"
# Planning Missionary Activity "(28-34)"
# Cooperation/ "(35-41)"

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