List of amphibians

List of amphibians

This is a list of amphibians by Family. It lists all families and subfamilies of amphibians and mentions the number of species in each of them.

The list below largely follows Frost, 2007: Amphibian Species of the World, an Online Reference. Version 5.1 (October, 2007).

Another classification, which largely follows Frost, but deviates from it in part is the one of AmphibiaWeb, by the University of California, Berkeley.

A major difference between the two above classifications is that Frost has split several families off from some major families (i.e. elevated to distinct families), whereas AmphibiaWeb has not (i.e. keeping them within the original families), notably:

* From Dendrobatidae: Aromobatidae
* From Leptodactylidae: Brachycephalidae
* From Ranidae: Ceratobatrachidae, Dicroglossidae, Pyxicephalidae

See Sources below.


=Class Amphibia=Total 6184 species

Order Anura - Frogs and Toads

Total 5453 species
*Suborder Archaeobatrachia
**Family Alytidae - Painted Frogs or Disc-Tongued frogs, 11 species. Sometimes placed as a subfamily, Alytinae, in family Bombinatoridae. Sometimes, the genus Discoglossus is considered a distinct family, Discoglossidae
**Family Bombinatoridae - Fire Belly toads, 10 species
**Family Leiopelmatidae - New Zealand primitive frogs, 6 species. Sometimes, the genus Ascaphus is considered a distinct family, Ascaphidae
*Suborder Mesobatrachia
**Family Megophryidae - Litter frogs or Short Legged toads, 137 species
**Family Pelobatidae - European Spadefoot toads, 4 species
**Family Pelodytidae - Parsley frogs, 3 species
**Family Pipidae - Tongueless frogs or clawed frogs, 31 species. Sometimes, the subfamilies Dactylethrinae and Pipinae are distinguished
**Family Rhinophrynidae - Mexican Burrowing Toad, 1 species
**Family Scaphiopodidae - American spadefoot toads, 7 species
*Suborder Neobatrachia
**Family Amphignathodontidae - 58 species, sometimes considered part of the family Hylidae, see below.
**Family Aromobatidae - 96 species, sometimes considered part of the family Dendrobatidae, see below.
***Subfamily: Allobatinae, 46 species
***Subfamily: Anomaloglossinae, 22 species.
***Subfamily: Aromobatinae, 28 species.
**Family Arthroleptidae - Screeching frogs or squeakers, 132 species
***Subfamily: Arthroleptinae, 81 species. Sometimes the genus Astylosternus is considered a distinct family, Astylosternidae
***Subfamily: Leptopelinae, 51 species, sometimes placed in family Hyperoliidae, see below.
**Family Brachycephalidae - Saddleback toads, 823 species. The genus Eleutherodactylus is sometimes placed in its own subfamily, Eleutherodactylinae, sometimes within family Leptodactylidae, see below.
**Family Brevicipitidae - 26 species, sometimes considered a subfamily, Brevicipitinae of the Microhylidae, see below.
**Family Bufonidae - True toads, 505 species
**Family Calyptocephalellidae - 4 species, sometimes considered part of the family Bufonidae.
**Family Centrolenidae - Glass frogs, 146 species
***Subfamily: Allophryninae, 1 species, sometimes considered a distinct family, Allophrynidae
***Subfamily: Centroleninae, 145 species
**Family: Ceratobatrachidae, 77 species, sometimes considered part of the family Ranidae, see below.
**Family Ceratophryidae - 85 species, sometimes considered a subfamily, Ceratophryinae of the Leptodactylidae, see below.
***Subfamily: Batrachylinae, 14 species
***Subfamily: Ceratophryinae, 12 species.
***Subfamily: Telmatobiinae, 59 species, sometimes considered a subfamily of the Leptodactylidae, see below.
**Family Cryptobatrachidae - 21 species, sometimes considered part of the family Hylidae, see below.
**Family Cycloramphidae - 97 species, sometimes considered a subfamily, Cycloramphinae of the Leptodactylidae, see below.
***Subfamily: Alsodinae, 63 species
***Subfamily: Cycloramphinae, 34 species. Sometimes the genus Rhinoderma is considered a distinct family, Rhinodermatidae
**Family Dendrobatidae - Poison dart frogs, 164 species
***Subfamily: Colostethinae, 53 species
***Subfamily: Dendrobatinae, 52 species
***Subfamily: Hyloxalinae, 57 species
**Family: Dicroglossidae, 164 species, sometimes considered part of the family Ranidae, see below.
***Subfamily: Dicroglossinae, 142 species
***Subfamily: Occidozyginae, 22 species
**Family Heleophrynidae - Ghost frogs, 6 species
**Family Hemisotidae - Shovelnose frogs, 9 species
**Family Hemiphractidae - 6 species, sometimes considered a subfamily, Hemiphractinae, of the Hylidae, see next.
**Family Hylidae - Tree frogs, 844 species
***Subfamily: Hylinae, 606 species
***Subfamily: Pelodryadinae, 181 species
***Subfamily: Phyllomedusinae, 57 species
**Family Hylodidae - 39 species
**Family Hyperoliidae - Sedge frogs or bush frogs, 207 species
**Family: Leiuperidae, 77 species, sometimes considered part of the family Leptodactylidae, see below.
**Family Leptodactylidae - Southern frogs or tropical frogs, 90 species. Some of its former subfamilies have been elevated to family level, or placed in different families, see before.
**Family: Limnodynastidae, 44 species
**Family Mantellidae, 166 species
***Subfamily: Boophinae, 54 species
***Subfamily: Laliostominae, 4 species
***Subfamily: Mantellinae, 108 species
**Family Micrixalidae - 11 species, sometimes placed in the family Ranidae.
**Family Microhylidae - Narrow-mouthed frogs, 426 species
***Subfamily: Asterophryinae, 218 species. Sometimes the genus Genyophryne is considered a distinct subfamily, Genyophryninae
***Subfamily: Cophylinae, 43 species
***Subfamily: Dyscophinae, 3 species
***Subfamily: Gastrophryninae, 40 species
***Subfamily: Hoplophryninae, 3 species
***Subfamily: Kalophryninae, 14 species
***Subfamily: Melanobatrachinae, 1 species
***Subfamily: Microhylinae, 68 species
***Subfamily: Otophryninae, 3 species
***Subfamily: Phrynomerinae, 5 species
***Subfamily: Scaphiophryninae, 10 species
**Family Myobatrachidae - Australian ground frogs, 82 species. Sometimes, the genus Rheobatrachus is considered a distinct family, Rheobatrachidae
**Family Nyctibatrachidae - 13 species
**Family: Petropedetidae, 16 species
**Family Phrynobatrachidae - 76 species, sometimes considered part of the family Ranidae, see below.
**Family Ptychadenidae - 53 species, sometimes considered part of the family Ranidae, see below.
**Family Pyxicephalidae - 64 species, sometimes considered part of the family Ranidae, see below.
***Subfamily: Cacosterninae, 59 species
***Subfamily: Pyxicephalinae, 5 species
**Family Ranidae - True frogs, 315 species
**Family Ranixalidae - 10 species, sometimes placed in the family Ranidae, or in family Petropedetidae.
**Family Rhacophoridae - Moss frogs, 286 species
***Subfamily: Buergeriinae, 5 species
***Subfamily: Rhacophorinae, 281 species
**Family Sooglossidae Seychelles Frog, 5 species. Sometimes, the genus Nasikabatrachus is considered a distinct family, Nasikabatrachidae

Order Caudata - Salamanders

Total 560 species
*Suborder Cryptobranchoidea
**Family Cryptobranchidae - Giant salamanders, 3 species
**Family Hynobiidae - Asiatic salamanders, 51 species
*** Subfamily Hynobiinae, 50 species
*** Subfamily Protohynobiinae, 1 species
*Suborder Salamandroidea
**Family Ambystomatidae - Mole salamanders, 37 species. The genus Dicamptodon is sometimes considered a distinct family, Dicamptodontidae - Pacific giant salamanders
**Family Amphiumidae - Amphiumas or Congo eels, 3 species
**Family Plethodontidae - Lungless salamanders, 378 species
*** Subfamily Bolitoglossinae, 249 species
*** Subfamily Hemidactyliinae, 1 species
*** Subfamily Plethodontinae, 93 species
*** Subfamily Spelerpinae, 35 species
**Family Proteidae - Mudpuppies and Waterdogs, 6 species
**Family Rhyacotritonidae - Torrent salamanders, 4 species
**Family Salamandridae - True salamanders and newts, 74 species
*** Subfamily Pleurodelinae, 59 species
*** Subfamily Salamandrinae, 15 species
*Suborder Sirenoidea
**Family Sirenidae - Sirens, 4 species

Order Gymnophiona - Caecilian

Total 171 species
**Family Caeciliidae - Common caecilians, 121 species
***Subfamily: Caeciliinae, 101 species, not always considered a coherent subfamily
***Subfamily: Scolecomorphinae, 6 species, sometimes considered a distinct family
***Subfamily: Typhlonectinae, 14 species, sometimes considered a distinct family
**Family Ichthyophiidae - Fish caecilians, 41 species
**Family Rhinatrematidae - Beaked caecilians, 9 species

ources, external links

Largely based on:

Frost, Darrel R. 2007. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 5.1 (10 October, 2007). Electronic Database accessible at American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA.

* [ Amphibian Species of the World]

and also:
* [ AmphibiaWeb]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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