

Carioca (Audio|Br-Carioca.ogg|pronunciation) is a Portuguese adjective or demonym word that refers to the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The original word "Kara'i oca" comes from the indigenous Amerindian language of the Tupi people, meaning "White Man's House".

It is said that the first Portuguese dwellings in Rio de Janeiro were placed along a limpid stream, which soon got the Portuguese name "Carioca". The last PNAD (National Research for Sample of Domiciles) census' numbers are: 6,278,704 million White people (53.6%), 3,935,904 million Pardo people (33.6%), 1,440,822 million Black people (12.3%) and 58 thousand Asian or Amerindian people (0.5%). [cite book|url=|title=Síntese de Indicadores Sociais 2007|publisher=IBGE|location=Rio de Janeiro, Brazil|format=PDF|isbn=85-240-3919-1|accessdate=2007-07-18|year=2007|language=Portuguese] Cariocas, like other Brazilians, speak Portuguese.

According to a survey published in American Scientist Magazine, the Cariocas of Rio de Janeiro exhibited great friendliness and offered to help in various situations. A quote from the article mentioned pointed to the following :cite web |url= |title=Can't Find A Good Samaritan, Don't Blame It On Rio|accessdate=2007-04-07 | |date=]

In contrast, the demonym meaning for the state of Rio de Janeiro is fluminense, taken from the Latin word "flumen", meaning "River".


The variety of Brazilian Portuguese language spoken either in the city or state of Rio de Janeiro is also called "Carioca" or "Fluminense". In written form, the carioca dialect follows the standard Brazilian Portuguese influence. The carioca speech, on the other hand, has several distinctive traits, such as in the pronunciation of "s" and "r" before a consonant: "s" is pronounced like "sh" and "r" is aspirate, like "h" in English, and also the strong palatization of the syllables "ti","di", "te" and "de".

As for grammar, an important difference is the mixing of the second person pronoun "você" and the obliquous pronoun "te" in the same speech, while standard Portuguese requires "lhe" as obliquous for "você", and "te" as obliquous for "tu".


ee also

* Caipira
* Gaucho

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