- Integral education
Integral education refers to educational theories or institutions which are informed by
integral theory .There are several institutions that attempt to use integral theory to inform educational methodology. These include the the
Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education , andThe Mother's International School . Both of these institutions are associated with the ideas ofSri Aurobindo or his partnerThe Mother or their disciples, likeIndra Sen .Haridas Chaudhuri , a follower of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, andFredrick Spiegelberg founded theCalifornia Institute of Integral Studies in 1968 inSan Francisco .Author Michael Murphy, who studied at the
Sri Aurobindo Ashram inPondicherry ,India , founded theEsalen Institute withDick Price in 1961.Ken Wilber 'sIntegral University , a part of theIntegral Institute , is a set of programs offered at established schools such asJohn F. Kennedy University andFielding Graduate University . [http://www.integralunivesity.com]Sean Esbjörn-Hargens , whose work uses Wilber's ideas, has written about integral education.Literary figure
William Irwin Thompson and mathematicianRalph Abraham , whose ideas about the evolution of consciousness are influenced by, among others, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, designed a curriculum for the privateK-12 Ross School inEast Hampton, New York and theRoss Global Academy inNew York City . Thompson wrote an essay in 1998 entitled "Cultural History and the Ethos of the Ross School". Thompson had also founded theLindisfarne Association in 1972.References
Further reading
*Raghunath Pani, " [http://books.google.com/books?id=Z7IcAAAAMAAJ&q=%22integral+education%22+aurobindo+OR+wilber&dq=%22integral+education%22+aurobindo+OR+wilber&lr=&ei=yaKQSKz4LobujgGuiNyICQ Integral Education: Thought and Practice] " 1987 Ashish Pub. House ISBN 8170241561 Comprehensive study on the new approach of the education policy of the Government of India, in comparison with the integral education of Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950
*Indra Sen , " [http://books.google.com/books?id=E5ZjGQAACAAJ&dq=%22integral+education%22+aurobindo+OR+wilber&lr=&ei=yaKQSKz4LobujgGuiNyICQ Integral Education: In the Words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother] " 1952, Sri Aurobindo International University Centreee also
Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
*Waldorf education
*Wisdom University
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